1/2, via @pookleblinky:
Fun fact: 60% of all animal species have declined since 1970, and 40% of all insects have also declined since then.
Only 4% of all land mammals are wild, non-domesticated. Livestock accounts for 64% of all biomass, humans for 34%. 70% of all birds are poultry, not wild.
"Welcome to The Crumbles" is a zeitgeist catch-phrase floated by the It Could Happen Here podcast crew.
@mjohnharrison as retweeted by William Gibson, in reference to the linked story:
everything's a metaphor now https://www.theguardian.com/education/2023/jun/14/uk-public-buildings-feared-to-be-at-risk-of-collapse-as-concrete-crumbles
#thecrumbles #thejackpot #crumbles #jackpot #oncetherewasawebsitecalled
The game I'm seeing today is "let's blame someone."
* The far right.
* The billionaires.
* Capitalism.
* Environmentalists who stopped nuclear power.
* Shell & Exxon
Blame is a coping mechanism for anger, but at least it's not denial. Our grieving is just getting started.
This is a leading indicator of the downstream consequences of climate change. See my pinned thread.
— @conways_law
tweeted in reponse to:
DiEM25: Our solidarity to the victims of the latest migrant tragedy in the Adriatic. And our outrage at the murderous Fortress-Europe policies, along with its hideous Fences & Pushbacks ....
— @yanisvaroufakis
From the Old World via Naked Capitalism today, an observation and a response:
"We have the tools”, was the slogan, then they duct taped the toolbox shut, and threw it in the attic.
And set the attic on fire...
Quips traded on the day when this story was still making the rounds:
Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. Monday to Friday.
— @NeinQuarterly
Wednesday. Set serotonin re-uptake inhibitors to selective.
— @NeinQuarterly
The week is ending. But we regret to inform you that everything else is probably not.
— @NeinQuarterly
I seriously hope that filtered air in public places becomes an aspirational goal, then the law. Humans evolved outdoors in low population density groups that didn't often mix with each-other. Viruses did not spread globally.
The Victorians purified water. We should do air.
— @leashless
I seriously hope that filtered air in public places becomes an aspirational goal, then the law. Humans evolved outdoors in low population density groups that didn't often mix with each-other. Viruses did not spread globally.
The Victorians purified water. We should do air.
— @leashless
This year the Darwin Award will be presented, collectively, to all humanity.
— @1goodtern
We regret to inform you that, yes, there is a tomorrow.
— @NeinQuarterly
Let’s be honest: if it isn’t blatantly disregarded, it probably isn’t truth.
— @NeinQuarterly
Get in, loser, we're walking away from Omelas.
We’re bringing that kid from the basement, right?
If you liked the life-saving warnings of weather scientists, you might also enjoy the work of climate scientists.
— @pourmecoffee
Oct 29, 2012