Amazon Prime Gaming, annunciati i giochi gratis PC di giugno 2023
#Autonauts #GemsOfDestinyHomelessDwarf #MutationNation #NeverwinterNightsEnhancedEdition #OnceUponAJester #OverTop #PrimeGaming #Revita #Roguebook #Sengoku2 #SoccerBrawl #SteamWorldDig2 #TheSuperSpy #TopHunter
#autonauts #gemsofdestinyhomelessdwarf #mutationnation #neverwinternightsenhancededition #onceuponajester #overtop #PrimeGaming #revita #roguebook #sengoku2 #soccerbrawl #steamworlddig2 #thesuperspy #tophunter
Notre bon @Shift vient de nous livrer une nouvelle Partie Rapide !
Si #OnceUponaJester et #GungraveGORE ne sont pas de très bons jeux, le premier a au moins pour lui le fait d'avoir une bande originale exceptionnelle :
#onceuponajester #gungravegore
If you haven't played #onceuponajester, you should. I haven't laughed this much with a game in a long while. #indiegame #Indiedev
#onceuponajester #indiegame #indiedev
RT @Ladies_Gamers
Once Upon a Jester is a musical theatre adventure by indie studio Bonte Avond. Help Sok and Jester create plays to please the crowd.
@BonteAvond @CrunchingKoalas #OnceUponAJester #review #NintendoSwitch #adventure #indiegame
#indiegame #adventure #nintendoswitch #review #onceuponajester
36 #games were added to Game Sense yesterday #OnceUponAJester#GoreScreamingShow #gaming #videogames
#games #onceuponajester #gaming #videogames
Once Upon a Jester was shadowdropped on Switch yesterday as part of the Indie World Showcase, and we now have gameplay. #OnceUponAJester
Me: I should not buy more games right now.
Narrator: she bought more games.
Every Indie World has the "out now" games and I am a sucker for those, but also I had my eye on two already.
A Little to the Left and Once Upon a Jester. I can fit a puzzle game (with cat) and a weird heist story (with sentient sock puppet??) into my life.
#games #ALittleToTheLeft #onceuponajester #indieworld