@pmbryant Another Robert Ryan winner: Ida Lupino really thought casting through.

#ondangerousground #TCMParty

Last updated 1 year ago

Dustin Kiyeon Chang · @Dustin
396 followers · 1800 posts · Server universeodon.com

Hard hitting daylight noir setting is just a backdrop for a Nick Ray drama about loneliness. He is skillful setting Wilson up from the beginning as a family-less man on the brink of losing his soul. Ray knew back then, that the loneliness is a universal condition that affects everyone - a cop, screenwriter, disaffected youth... is a subtle & quietly moving film except for the ending which succumbs to cliché. This is how I would've ended the film:
Wilson is speeding down the snow swept, empty highway. After a while, from the bird's eye view, we see his car slowly coming to a halt. Wilson sits there in the car for the longest time. Then he slowly gets out & closes the car door. It’s a barren wintry landscape. We pan three sixty and stop back at Wilson's face. His face conveys quiet determination. Cut to wide:
Wilson standing alone in the snow swept highway.
Eleanor Rigby starts to play & the credits roll.

#ondangerousground #robertryan #idalupino #filmnoir

Last updated 2 years ago