Over the weekend, we released Anime Adventures as part of the #OnePageGame Jam over on itch.io! The game has players take on roles of high school students with super-secret, super-powered Anime personas, and take on a super-villain. The game is a hack of Honey Heist by Grant Howitt, and is available now for purchase on itch.io or over at DriveThruRPG. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/449874/Anime-Adventures?affiliate_id=284587
So @gshowitt was having trouble coming up with December’s #TTRPG #OnePageGame and I really feel like I was on to something with Festipus The Festive Octopus here
Qui trovate un mio articolo su Crash Pandas, one-page game di Grant Howitt:
#gdr #onePageGame #eclecticaMiscellanea #giocandoA
#gdr #onePageGame #EclecticaMiscellanea #giocandoA