RT @lps for TorBrowser + screenReader users :

Don't let yourself become divided, if there was ever a time to come together it's now!

This is a must watch… share/boost if you agree :)


#divideandrule #colonialism #vandanashiva #disposablehumanity #gmo #ai #automation #onePercent #globalism

Last updated 3 years ago

Unfettered for the winners and and protections when the , overlords of the fail.

We like to think that we are slowly turning the ship around but when we look around people are still terrified of where and govt are going.

Most seem to grasp for any (read: trinkets) thrown at them.

Meanwhile the are having a veritable shoppingSpree.

#capitalism #bailouts #wellConnected #corporateState #bigtech #brioche #onePercent #socialismfortherich #freeMoney #cantilloneffect #assetinflation

Last updated 4 years ago