Die "One Belt, One Road", oder Neue Seidenstraße markiert die kommende Dominanz Chinas auf dem eurasischen Kontinent. Etwas, das der performten EU-Politik zuwider, den Kapitalien in Europa jedoch notwendig zufällt. Das Foto zeigt den Bau einer Autobahn nahe Valjevo südlich von Belgrad in Serbien in Koop mit #Shangdong (© Matze Schmidt, sorry kein CC). Das Projekt wird der kleinen, ländlichen Stadt einen #Seidenstrasse #OneBeltOneRoad, #China, #EU
#shangdong #seidenstrasse #onebeltoneroad #china #eu
#Trade wise, #sanctions have made it impossible for the #EU to trade with China using the #NorthernCorridor of China’s #OneBeltOneRoad Initiative.
The best alternative is the #MiddleCorridor that runs from #China through #CentralAsia and the #SouthCaucasus region to #Ukraine and the EU.
It is imperative however that the Middle Corridor will be developed in a sustainable manner. Russia’s war in Ukraine will not last forever and it is clear that the EU will make use of the Northern Route again
#trade #sanctions #eu #northerncorridor #onebeltoneroad #middlecorridor #China #centralasia #southcaucasus #ukraine
Il Sud-Est Asiatico e la competizione economica tra Cina e USA: tra Nuove Vie della seta e IPEF - Geopolitica.info #Cina #IndoPacificEconomicFramework #onebeltoneroad #StatiUniti #sudestasiatico #Usa #17giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ2VvcG9saXRpY2EuaW5mby9zdWQtZXN0LWFzaWF0aWNvLWNvbXBldGl6aW9uZS1lY29ub21pY2EtY2luYS11c2Ev
#17giugno #usa #sudestasiatico #statiuniti #onebeltoneroad #IndoPacificEconomicFramework #cina