Line staff #union and #management union escalate against #Bahamas Power and Light
#UnionStrong #Exploitation #ClassWar #WageSlavery #BPL #OneBigUnion
#union #management #bahamas #unionstrong #exploitation #classwar #wageslavery #bpl #onebigunion
Talked to a drivish friend about supporting the #DeliveryCyclists - hell, no, they'd seen those cyclists behaving really dangerously… I'm thinking now, should I withdraw my support from those #carbrain screenwriters who write such violent scripts #QualifiedApproval #OneBigUnion #ChristAbove 😂
#deliverycyclists #CarBrain #qualifiedapproval #onebigunion #christabove
No matter where you #work, if you aren't a cop, boss, or landlord, you're eligible to #join the One Big Union!
#work #join #union #obu #onebigunion #IWW
No matter where you #work, if you aren't a cop, boss, or landlord, you're eligible to #join the One Big Union!
#work #join #union #obu #onebigunion #IWW
Today in Labor History June 9, 1919: The Winnipeg city council dismissed the police force during the General Strike that had started on May 15 and continued until June 26. Though the strike ended in bloodshed and mass arrests, it succeeded in strengthening Canada’s labor movement. The strike began in response to low wages, inflation and discrimination against minorities, as well as resentment over World War I profiteering by the city’s elite. It was inspired and organized by socialists, fighting for the OBU (One Big Union), uniting all workers into a single union. The OBU concept came from the Wobblies, or IWW, which had been suppressed in Canada. They were also fighting for a six-hour work day and a five-day work week.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #winnipeg #canada #GeneralStrike #OneBigUnion #IWW #police #ww1
#workingclass #LaborHistory #winnipeg #canada #generalstrike #onebigunion #IWW #police #ww1
Today in Labor History March 6, 1925: Miners in Cape Breton, Canada, struck against the British Empire Steel Corporation (BESCO). They’d been striking against BESCO regularly for the past 5 years over wage cuts. The 1925 strike lasted 5 months. Company police killed one miner, William Davis. BESCO eventually went bankrupt. These strikes were part of the Canadian Labour Revolt (1918-1925) led by the One Big Union. The Vancouver General Strike (1918) and the Winnipeg General Strike (1919) inspired the OBU and subsequent strikes of the Labor Revolt. The OBU was also influenced by the IWW, the Spartacist Uprising in Germany and the Communist Revolution in Russia. The OBU was a syndicalist labor union that sought to overthrow capitalism and replace it with a socialist system based on worker control of the workplace.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #CapeBreton #steel #strike #GeneralStrike #winnipeg #vancouver #spartacist #IWW #communism #OneBigUnion #socialism #syndicalism
#workingclass #LaborHistory #capebreton #steel #strike #generalstrike #winnipeg #vancouver #spartacist #IWW #communism #onebigunion #socialism #Syndicalism
🎶 wage theft is a common crime, la la la la la, they steal labor yours and mine, la la la la la, know your rights and tell your comrades, la la la la la, no jail for them but get your dollars, la la la la la 🎶 #OneBigUnion #SolidarityForever
#solidarityforever #onebigunion
#OneBigUnion #UnionStrong #Unionize
#onebigunion #UnionStrong #Unionize
We (Agaric worker coop) just voted in favor of joining the Industrial Workers of the World! Very excited for our work in the coop space to more closely align with the labor movement.
#OneBigUnion #IWWW #Weeblies #coop #unions #platformcoop
#onebigunion #iwww #weeblies #coop #unions #platformcoop