I only really have a single gripe with #dnd #5e. Sure, it's not perfect, but basically all #ttrpgs have their issues.
My problem is simple: #dnd is the most famous #ttrpg out there... and it's terrible for new players. You literally need an existing expert to teach you the ropes.
There are way too many mistakes you can make as a player, and basically no guidance for the DM. We all know that the encounter balance is terrible, but new DMs don't.
A bunch of friends all deciding they want to try #roleplaying for the first time and picking up D&D is the easiest way to have them quickly burn out and decide "it's not for us".
So when I find people that are interested in #ttrpgs, and I can't personally GM for them, I recommend the following games:
1. Edge's #StarWars rpg game (used to be Fantasy Flight's). The Beginner Boxes are absolutely insane, it's a very popular IP and since it's not DnD it doesnt get as polluted by any preconceived notions they might have about what #ttrpgs are supposed to be about (I've legit had people said they didn't want to play DnD cause they didn't know much medieval history...)
2. #Fate Accelerated: super tiny booklet that the GM can understand in a single afternoon. Simple mechanics. The good thing about this option is they are immediately playing a "full" game. Still wish there was a beginner box or beginnner game sort of thing. If you know of one, let me know!
3. #Pathfinder2e, which usually just happens when they really really want something like D&D... and #pf2e has an amazing Beginner Box! I also find the 3-action system very intuitive for players that have like played a videogame. Once. Ever. And encounters being balanced makes it less likely the #GM has an aneurysm.
So when I get asked what I want from #onednd... I just want a good Beginner Box! And tools so that DMs don't end up crying after their epic boss falls in a single round...
I just want people that come to the hobby saying "I've heard of D&D!" to be able to play...
#dnd #5e #ttrpgs #ttrpg #roleplaying #starwars #fate #pathfinder2e #pf2e #gm #onednd
So I guess all the earlier playtest docs were to show off some cool new ideas that they then decided not to use. 🙄 Bringing back 20th level capstones is terrible. The 20th level capstones all suck except for the druid and cleric, and those are probably OP. Returning to non-standard subclass progression is stupid. Lots of fun, new ideas that they killed because "the players wanted it." What players? Show us the survey data.
#dnd #dungeonsanddragons #onednd
Player’s Handbook Playtest 6 für #NichtOneDND wurde veröffentlicht
https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/ua/ph-playtest-6 #dnd #onednd #dnd24
#nichtonednd #dnd #onednd #dnd24
With the release of the new #UnearthedArcana #playtest material for #OneDnD, I think #Hasbro/#WotC has officially #jumpedtheshark.
If there was a thing that #DnD did not need, it was more complexity, and they have jumped right into the deep end, adding a huge array of entirely new game-slowing mechanics.
They are just writing new rules to justify their salaries, not because #DnD5E needed new rules.
So much of what they are trying do not should really not be codified, but left to narrative.
#unearthedarcana #playtest #onednd #hasbro #jumpedtheshark #dnd #dnd5e
This is the first thing I've seen that has me pumped about the new material coming out. One of the hardest parts to picking up the game for me is the terrible way information is presented in the current DMG. Looking forward love a more focused version.
@GMRaphi The new stuff is supposed to be 5e-compatible, my investment in #OneDnD probably depends on how easy it'll be to adapt the stuff from 5e to One.
Also, One D&D is apparently a working title and they're planning to name the new stuf... D&D 5e (2024). I find thay pretty confusing, but I guess that's a sign that there are serious plans for huaranteeing compatibility... We'll see, I guess.
One of the big changes for One #DnD will be the way that weapons work. Get a look at what that may look like in the new weapon table via our profile link. --------------------------- #rpg #ttrpg #dungeonsanddragons #tabletopgames #tabeltoprpg #onednd https://www.instagram.com/p/CqtMnaqM_fC/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#dnd #rpg #ttrpg #dungeonsanddragons #tabletopgames #tabeltoprpg #onednd
Mehrere Teilnehmende am #DnDCreatorSummit berichten, dass #WotC den Namen #OneDND fallen lässt. Es wird auch keine #6e oder 5.5e geben, sondern eine "2024 Core Rules Revision". Neusprech ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Daniel Kwan hat auf Twitter einen umfangreichen Infos vom Summit: https://twitter.com/danielhkwan/status/1642929443453779997
#dndcreatorsummit #wotc #onednd #6e
Listing to the Worlds Beyond Number fire side. The care going into the witch's spell list is fascinating. A focus on singular spells to get them distinct from wizards is fascinating. Something that I don't think we could do anymore w/o building something from the ground up in #5e and likely #OneDnD with the new 3 classes of magic.
#5e #onednd #ttrpg #actualplay
Potential hot take, but I actually like the #OneDnD druid wild shape as a general concept. Flipping through the entire monster manual (and addendums) for shapes, the vast majority of which would be underpowered except at low level, is unnecessarily cumbersome.
That being said, they've lost a lot of flavor in the change, but I feel like getting it back is as easy as tacking on a list of "special abilities" you can pick from to make your stat block better reflect your transformation.
All of these changes in the wording of the OnedD&D UA are really making me think they are focusing on streamlining it for Digital Play
Separating actions into Action Categories like Magic, Attack, Search, Study and a whole bunch of Condition changes feel like coding hooks
Morgen kommt ein neues #OneDnD Playtestdokument mit den Klassen Druide und Pladin. Ardlinge werden nicht im Spielerhandbuch eingeführt, aber wahrscheinlich in einem späteren Buch
Kyle Brink OGL Interview | Nerd Immersion
#ogl #onednd #opendnd #DND #ttrpg #nerdimmersion
@kyonshi I don't blame them.
D&D may look like a game, but it's not.
It's a hollow package of Intellectual Property (TM) which intersects a huge DIY hobby with huge loss making potential.
Hard to understand even for insiders.
@kyonshi I don't blame them.
D&D may look like a game, but it's not.
It's a hollow package of Intellectual Property (TM) which intersects a huge DIY hobby with huge loss making potential.
Hard to understand even for insiders.
@fluchtkapsel WotC wechselt mit #OneDND zu "Species". Im Deutschen ists schon länger "Volk"
"Wizards of the Coast has a long term plan to roll out a 6th edition of #DND and eliminate completion from third party publishers and virtual table tops so people have to go into there walled garden." - The Rules Lawyer
#theruleslawyer #dnd5e #ttrpg #onednd #opendnd #DND