Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: The Late Night Podcasts, Pop Music, and Sandler Family Comedies That Got Us Through the Week #Jezebel #onefootinfrontoftheother #thevenicefilmfestival #entertainmentculture #kyliecheunglisten #sarahrenselisten #kadyruthashcraft #jeffreycampbell #stephencolbert #audraheinrichs #florencepugh #kylieminogue #sarahsherman #sunnysandler #jimmykimmel #roe
#jezebel #onefootinfrontoftheother #thevenicefilmfestival #entertainmentculture #kyliecheunglisten #sarahrenselisten #kadyruthashcraft #jeffreycampbell #stephencolbert #audraheinrichs #florencepugh #kylieminogue #sarahsherman #sunnysandler #jimmykimmel #roe
Second day in a row I managed to get my butt out of the house and go for a long walk. It’s not much, but I’m very happy with myself. #OneFootInFrontOfTheOther