was ein süßes Spiel! das wurde mir gerade empfohlen und ich möchte es direkt auch mal mit euch teilen:
#OneHandClapping ist ein stilistisch sehr ansprechendes Spiel bei dem ihr mit eurer Stimme Rätsel lösen sollt! Und nein, ihr müsst nicht singen können, sondern nur irgendwie versuchen die richtigen Tonhöhen zu treffen :present:
Wer mal Lust auf was neues hat, sollte sich das anschauen! Es ist aktuell ganze 67% reduziert :3
Join me tomorrow at 7PM ET as we'll be taking a first look at
@baddreamgames' One Hand Clapping on PC!
We will also be having a special co-host, @Rabellaka! Who is a big fan of the game.
We'll also be giving away the game on Steam!
The game is a very cool adventure where you have to use your singing to get through the world. Come check it out!
#keymailer #OneHandClapping
Having an unmonitored replica account from Twitter on Mastodon just feels like an advertisement for Twitter - I appreciate the honesty and mostly empathise with the posts but I think I begin to understand the meaning of “the sound of one hand clapping” #OneHandClapping #TwitterReplicaAccount
#twitterreplicaaccount #onehandclapping
Morrowind GOTY Edition leads Amazon Prime’s free game offerings for February - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/morrowind-goty-edition-leads-amazon-primes-free-game-offerings-for-february #SpaceWarlordOrganTradingSimulator #BATS:BloodsuckerAnti-TerrorSquad #TheElderScrollsIII:Morrowind #Aerial_Knight'sNeverYield #DivineKnockout(DKO) #BestPCGamingDeals #OneHandClapping #AmazonPrime #OnsenMaster #FreePCGames #StoryRich #SpaceCrew #Fantasy #Amazon #Tunche #Indie #RPG
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There's little enough in this life, really, and you only find it worth living for the odd moments, and if you think you're going to have those odd moments again, then it makes life wonderful and have a meaning.
#AnthonyBurgess (1917 – 1993) #OneHandClapping (1961)
#anthonyburgess #onehandclapping
There's little enough in this life, really, and you only find it worth living for the odd moments, and if you think you're going to have those odd moments again, then it makes life wonderful and have a meaning.
#AnthonyBurgess (1917 – 1993) #OneHandClapping (1961)
#anthonyburgess #onehandclapping