I just put on this beautiful bumper sticker that a friend brought back for me from Key West - I am grateful! #OneHumanFamily #LoveOneAnother #Lovingkindness #Mindfulness
#onehumanfamily #loveoneanother #lovingkindness #mindfulness
In response to systemic injustice and structural violence, we the people of planet Earth are waging nonviolent revolution. Torrington City Council meeting at 6:30pm tonight. Arrive a few minutes early to organize and vibe.
#connecticut #ct #stillrevolutionary #stillstillrevolutionary #torringtonct #itshappeninghere #revolutionarynonviolence #revolution #nonviolence #realjustice #realpeace #onehumanfamily #onefamilyofcreation #maypeaceprevailonearth #makepeaceprevailonearth
#organize #freedom
#connecticut #ct #stillrevolutionary #stillstillrevolutionary #torringtonct #itshappeninghere #revolutionarynonviolence #revolution #nonviolence #realjustice #realpeace #onehumanfamily #onefamilyofcreation #maypeaceprevailonearth #makepeaceprevailonearth #organize #freedom
sich auf den
feinen Unterschied
zu konzentrieren
ist das neue Normal
(ist) Mensch (ist) Mensch
#Gesellschaft #allesindgleich #diversität #equalpay #gerechrtigkeit #Gesellschaft #gesellschaftsnormen #glauben #gleichberechtigung #gleichheit #individualität #inklusion #lgbtq #meinung #mensch #niemandistillegal #norm #normal #onehumanfamily #onelove #trans #uniformität #unnormal #Wissen
#gesellschaft #AlleSindGleich #diversitat #equalpay #gerechrtigkeit #gesellschaftsnormen #glauben #gleichberechtigung #gleichheit #individualitat #inklusion #lgbtq #meinung #mensch #niemandistillegal #norm #normal #onehumanfamily #onelove #trans #uniformitat #Unnormal #wissen
All we want.
Don't know if we'll get there in this lifetime.
We must keep trying for future gens, tho.
'My love don't cost a thing" - 🎶
#sharethelove #onehumanfamily #randomactsofkindness #loveoneanother #loveislove