“It is refreshing to see such commitment, perseverance and dedication from this young Oneida man,” Oneida Nation Chairman Tehassi Hill said. “Then to be the first Native American to race (in the Tour de France) is just amazing beyond words and is another proud moment for our Indigenous relatives.”
#TourDeFrance2023 #KOM #oneidanation https://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/story/sports/2023/07/06/oneida-nations-neilson-powless-is-tour-de-france-king-of-the-mountain/70389188007/
#tourdefrance2023 #kom #oneidanation
( #OneidaNation of the Thames, a #FirstNation just south of #LondonON that has been on a #BoilWaterAdvisory since 2019, has #secured $43 million in #FederalFunding to bring treated #DrinkingWater to the community.
The connection to the #LakeHuron Primary #Water System will supply #PotableWater to more than 500 homes & public buildings to the community, which is home to nearly 2,200 residents.
#oneidanation #firstnation #londonon #boilwateradvisory #secured #federalfunding #drinkingwater #lakehuron #water #potablewater #indigenous #nativerights #humanrights #ontario #canada