#OneNameTuesday showcase Gugino Name Study
Over 400 Gugino on WikiTree
#OneNameStudy #Genealogy #FamilyHistory #CollaborativeGenealogy #YearOfCommunityConnections
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#onenametuesday #onenamestudy #Genealogy #familyhistory #collaborativegenealogy #yearofcommunityconnections
#OneNameTuesday showcase Dunstan Name Study
Coordinator: Craig Dunstan
Almost 1k Dunstan on WikiTree
#OneNameStudy #Genealogy #FamilyHistory #CollaborativeGenealogy #YearOfCommunityConnections
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#onenametuesday #onenamestudy #Genealogy #familyhistory #collaborativegenealogy #yearofcommunityconnections
Pharos Tutors offers online courses in family history, local history and related topics.
#FamilyHistory #LocalHistory #Genealogy #OneNameStudy #OnePlaceStudy
#England #Wales #Scotland
#Ireland #Europe
#familyhistory #localhistory #Genealogy #onenamestudy #oneplacestudy #dna #geneticgenealogy #england #wales #scotland #ireland #europe #certificateprogrammes
#OneNameTuesday showcase Lambert Name Study
Coordinator: Nan Starjak
Almost 15k Lambert on WikiTree
#OneNameStudy #Genealogy #FamilyHistory #CollaborativeGenealogy #YearOfCommunityConnections
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#onenametuesday #onenamestudy #Genealogy #familyhistory #collaborativegenealogy #yearofcommunityconnections
#OneNameTuesday showcase Downs Name Study
Coordinator: Debra Allison
Almost 5k Downs on WikiTree
#OneNameStudy #Genealogy #FamilyHistory #CollaborativeGenealogy #YearOfCommunityConnections
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#onenametuesday #onenamestudy #Genealogy #familyhistory #collaborativegenealogy #yearofcommunityconnections
#OneNameTuesday showcase Corney Name Study
Coordinator: Graeme Olney
Over 1k Corney on WikiTree
#OneNameStudy #Genealogy #FamilyHistory #CollaborativeGenealogy #YearOfCommunityConnections
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#onenametuesday #onenamestudy #Genealogy #familyhistory #collaborativegenealogy #yearofcommunityconnections
#OneNameTuesday showcase Maupin Name Study
Coordinator: Bartley McRorie
Over 1k Maupin on WikiTree
#OneNameStudy #Genealogy #FamilyHistory #CollaborativeGenealogy #YearOfCommunityConnections
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#onenametuesday #onenamestudy #Genealogy #familyhistory #collaborativegenealogy #yearofcommunityconnections
#OneNameTuesday showcase Clezie Name Study http://www.WikiTree.com/wiki/Space:Clezie_Name_Study Coordinator: Rick Heiser Almost 100 Clezie on WikiTree #OneNameStudy #Genealogy #FamilyHistory #CollaborativeGenealogy #YearOfCommunityConnections Are you part of an ONS?
#onenametuesday #onenamestudy #Genealogy #familyhistory #collaborativegenealogy #yearofcommunityconnections
@sven I am positive that it should be possible to cut this at least to the half, since I have currently many couples were the wife has a Geisinger maiden name, and her side never was "researched". People tend to research their paternal lines first.
I know of at least 3 seperate lines which are proven seperate origin, for all the others there is a lot not look at. When I started I thought on a 10 year plan, but in the moment it seems like a lifelong plan. #Geisinger #OneNameStudy
Summer still hiding (30/52/2023):
#WikiTreeTech helped me to generate descendant list for my #Geisinger #OneNameStudy. Now I know about 140 independent lines exist in WT. A lot to connect. My cat is upset by colder rainy days, which the roses love. Some insects ate up all the rucola plants. Had some creative time to generate background graphics for the new #Meszecsov One Name Study in #WikiTree. Just received my great-grandmother's passport.
#wikitreetech #geisinger #onenamestudy #meszecsov #wikitree
#OneNameTuesday showcase Mutimer Name Study
Coordinator: Melissa Jamison
Over 400 Mutimer on WikiTree
#OneNameStudy #Genealogy #FamilyHistory #CollaborativeGenealogy #YearOfCommunityConnections
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#onenametuesday #onenamestudy #Genealogy #familyhistory #collaborativegenealogy #yearofcommunityconnections
#OneNameTuesday showcase Swafford Name Study
Coordinator: Lance Martin
Over 2k Swafford on WikiTree
#OneNameStudy #Genealogy #FamilyHistory #CollaborativeGenealogy #YearOfCommunityConnections
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#onenametuesday #onenamestudy #Genealogy #familyhistory #collaborativegenealogy #yearofcommunityconnections
#OneNameTuesday showcase Constantineau Name Study
Coordinator: Guy Constantineau
Over 900 Constantineau on WikiTree
#OneNameStudy #Genealogy #FamilyHistory #CollaborativeGenealogy #YearOfCommunityConnections
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#onenametuesday #onenamestudy #Genealogy #familyhistory #collaborativegenealogy #yearofcommunityconnections
Geisinger One Name Study (27/52/2023):
#Geisinger #OneNameStudy https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Geisinger_Name_Study has its 2nd #Anniversary (June 21-June 23) in #WikiTree Had some finds on some emmigrants: Martin Geisinger https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Geisinger-349 moving to Cape Hope in 1749 and Felix Geisinger https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Geisinger-448 following his family to Wisconsin in the 1850ties and increase Geisingers in WikiTree, heading towards 1000 profiles.
#geisinger #onenamestudy #anniversary #wikitree
#OneNameTuesday showcase Rashleigh Name Study
Coordinator: Martin Hobbs-Watson
Over 700 Rashleigh on WikiTree
#OneNameStudy #Genealogy #FamilyHistory #CollaborativeGenealogy #YearOfCommunityConnections
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#onenametuesday #onenamestudy #Genealogy #familyhistory #collaborativegenealogy #yearofcommunityconnections
#OneNameTuesday showcase Bonitz Name Study
Coordinator: Jochen Bonitz
Over 700 Bonitz on WikiTree
#OneNameStudy #Genealogy #FamilyHistory #CollaborativeGenealogy #YearOfCommunityConnections
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#onenametuesday #onenamestudy #Genealogy #familyhistory #collaborativegenealogy #yearofcommunityconnections
#OneNameTuesday showcase Hulshizer Name Study
Coordinator: Jerri McCoy
Over 500 Hulshizer on WikiTree
#OneNameStudy #Genealogy #FamilyHistory #CollaborativeGenealogy #YearOfCommunityConnections
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#onenametuesday #onenamestudy #Genealogy #familyhistory #collaborativegenealogy #yearofcommunityconnections
#OneNameTuesday showcase Buchanan Name Study
Coordinator: Jamie Nelson
Almost 10k Buchanan on WikiTree
#OneNameStudy #Genealogy #FamilyHistory #CollaborativeGenealogy #YearOfCommunityConnections
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#onenametuesday #onenamestudy #Genealogy #familyhistory #collaborativegenealogy #yearofcommunityconnections
#OneNameTuesday showcase Mead Name Study
Coordinator: Jerry Mead
Over 7k Mead on WikiTree
#OneNameStudy #Genealogy #FamilyHistory #CollaborativeGenealogy #YearOfCommunityConnections
Are you part of an ONS? #Geneadons
#onenametuesday #onenamestudy #Genealogy #familyhistory #collaborativegenealogy #yearofcommunityconnections #geneadons
#OneNameTuesday showcase Stovall Name Study
Coordinator: Sally Stovall
Over 2k Stovall on WikiTree
#OneNameStudy #Genealogy #FamilyHistory #CollaborativeGenealogy #YearOfCommunityConnections
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#onenametuesday #onenamestudy #Genealogy #familyhistory #collaborativegenealogy #yearofcommunityconnections #geneadons