#Snoopy Presents: #OneOfAKindMarcie has premiered on #AppleTVPlus.
The #Peanuts special follows Marcie, an introvert who loves her solitude but also enjoys helping her friends.
#peanuts #appletvplus #oneofakindmarcie #snoopy
#Snoopy Presents: #OneOfAKindMarcie premieres on #AppleTVPlus this Friday, August 18.
The #Peanuts special follows Marcie, an introvert who loves her solitude but also enjoys helping her friends.
#peanuts #appletvplus #oneofakindmarcie #snoopy
Here is the official trailer for #Snoopy Presents: #OneOfAKindMarcie, premiering on #AppleTVPlus August 18.
The #Peanuts special follows Marcie, an introvert who loves her solitude but also enjoys helping her friends.
#peanuts #appletvplus #oneofakindmarcie #snoopy
August on #AppleTVPlus:
#Physical S3, #StrangePlanet, #OneOfAKindMarcie, #Invasion S2 & #Wanted: #TheEscapeOfCarlosGhosn
#TheAfterparty S2 & #Foundation S2
What are you most excited for?
#foundation #TheAfterparty #swagger #hijack #theescapeofcarlosghosn #wanted #Invasion #oneofakindmarcie #strangeplanet #physical #appletvplus
#AppleTVPlus Week in Review
#HighDesert 📅
#Stillwater 📅
#CityOnFire ⏳
#DropsOfGod ⏳
#Silo ⏳
#TedLasso ⏳
#BigBeasts 🎉
#TheBigDoorPrize 🎉
#TheLastThingHeToldMe 🎉
📅 Premiere, ⏳ Ongoing, 🎉 Finale
#Swagger S2
New premieres:
#TheSnoopyShow S3: Jun 9
#LovelyLittleFarm S2: Jun 16
#Swagger S2: Jun 23
#DuckAndGoose S2: Jul 7
#Physical S3: Aug 2
#EvaTheOwlet shorts: Aug 4
#OneOfAKindMarcie: Aug 18
#Peanuts specials: Sept 22
#peanuts #oneofakindmarcie #evatheowlet #physical #duckandgoose #lovelylittlefarm #TheSnoopyShow #KillersoftheFlowerMoon #swagger #TheLastThingHeToldMe #thebigdoorprize #bigbeasts #tedlasso #silo #dropsofgod #cityonfire #stillwater #highdesert #appletvplus
#AppleTVPlus has announced its upcoming #Peanuts programming slate:
#TheSnoopyShow (S3): June 9
New series #CampSnoopy: 2024
15 more classic #Peanuts specials: September 22
New specials:
#OneOfAKindMarcie: August 18
#WelcomeHomeFranklin: 2024
#welcomehomefranklin #oneofakindmarcie #campsnoopy #TheSnoopyShow #peanuts #appletvplus