It's #SelfPromoSaturday! I've been participating in the #onepagerpgjam and I made this wacky print-and-play #solorpg that you can play in about 15 minutes, give it a try!
#SelfPromoSaturday #onepagerpgjam #solorpg
Eleventh Beast is a solo monster hunting game set in 1746 London. Investigate rumors. Learn secrets. Hunt the beast.
Available now:
#ttrpg #rpg #solorpg #journaling #sketching #drawing #monsterhunting #monsters #beast #london #onepage #1pagerpg #onepagerpg #onepagerpgjam #tabletop #printandplay
#ttrpg #rpg #soloRPG #journaling #sketching #drawing #monsterhunting #monsters #beast #london #OnePage #1pagerpg #OnePageRPG #onepagerpgjam #tabletop #printandplay
here's some sketches from my #onepagerpgjam #1prpgjam , a Void Cultist and a Priest of the Vibrant Cosmos. the hat is supposed to look like udders. august is really rippin' by.
I have joined the one-page RPG jam!
Quite excited about it since it is my first. ☺️
first flap of my #onepagerpgjam #1prpgjam2023 entry is cracking me up. this is why it's ok to not be great at drawing. can you imagine how much less funny this would be if i had tried to get an AI to do it?
Ich habe mich für die #OnePageRPGJam angemeldet und mein erstes kleines 1 Page RPG ist fast fertig 🥺
#onepagerpgjam #1pagerpg #gamejam #GameDev #pnp
@Bartimaeus Ich hoffe, ich finde dieses Jahr die Zeit, wieder was für den #OnePageRPGJam zu schreiben! Hatte das erste Mal 2021 daran teilgenommen und #NagetiereMitGitarren #RodentsWithGuitars dafür geschrieben.
#onepagerpgjam #nagetieremitgitarren #rodentswithguitars