Apart from his twin siblings, Perospero, and Brulée, I think very few of his younger siblings would know about his mouth/teeth. He would probably only tell them if he was being the protective older brother that he is, to other siblings that have what mama brands as a "defect", otherwise imperfect in her eyes.

Even going as far as playing games with them with pocky or sharing donuts. Because they accept him and like they they share something in common.

#onepiece #onepieceideas

Last updated 3 years ago

i don't know where my head was when i made this Bellamy's stripper song but i love it.

#onepiece #onepieceideas

Last updated 3 years ago

Still kinda like the idea of One Piece just being a huge DnD game amongst friends.
But I want to roleplay this and not write it all 😫

#onepiece #dungeonsandragons #onepieceideas #onepieceau #modernau

Last updated 3 years ago

Someone: Captain, we're out of food.

Law: we can't be out of food already, is there anything?

Someone: well umm.... There's this loaf of bread.

Law: 🤔......😱.....😡💢that's it we're stopping. *Food strike until next island*

#trafalgarlaw #onepiece #onepieceideas

Last updated 3 years ago


I need an idea for what Sanji's pseudonym could be if he stayed with the family and was one of them.

Both an actual one, and one that the others would use to mock him.

"Blank" Yellow.
I don't want to go with an obvious one for the mocking one.

#fanfic #onepiece #onepieceideas

Last updated 3 years ago

this is the stripper playlist lol


I need a good one for Law, Zoro, and Barto.

favorites so far:
Doflamingo & Sanji.

can you guess who's is who's without clicking the image spoiler?

#onepieceideas #onepiece #music

Last updated 3 years ago

i started a playlist of songs that each of the One Piece characters would use for their sets if they were strippers.


#onepiece #onepieceideas

Last updated 3 years ago

another idea i had was what if Law actually died?
Like Rosinante couldn't find a cure for the white lead poison fast enough?

Some part of that would make sense, Doflamingo wanted the Op Op fruit for the immortality the user could bestow upon him What if Law can't actually perform the operation because he died on that island before the DF was actually digested that ability somehow kicking in making himself immortal? Since it can only be used once, he can't

#onepieceideas #headcanon #onepiece

Last updated 3 years ago

Law and Robin.

Not as a romantic/sexual pairing.
But bonding platonically over a mutually morbid outlook on life.

I wish I could write the women.

#onepieceideas #onepiece

Last updated 3 years ago

@Immortal_hxh_warrior lol I mainly meant I forgot to add the one piece tag and whatever.
But there should be more. Then again it seems to rely on how many people have used a certain tag in the past.
seems to be a tag only I have used because nothing but my own stuff comes up with it and the #/week is usually how many times I've used it.

The other option being twitter.
And I don't use my twitter.
Unless I want to be anon horny on main towards a rapper I'm crushing.


Last updated 3 years ago

Ok so this is a quickie idea I had for a modern Brook, that has his personality plus the skelly bones. I can't draw him so this is way off but again just a concept.

#onepieceideas #onepiece

Last updated 3 years ago

What if one piece
Is just a DnD game amongst friends in someone's basement?

#onepiece #onepieceideas

Last updated 3 years ago

For my next LawLuSopp addition,
I'm thinking of Luffy and Usopp finding out that Law has been with them both,
And a "educational" threesome ensues.

#fanfic #onepiece #onepieceideas #LawLuSopp

Last updated 3 years ago

I can't find the post to boost it so i'm reposting.

I still stand by this.

Whenever Luffy is sitting on that figurehead, this is playing in his head.

#onepiece #onepieceideas #music

Last updated 3 years ago

One thing I did with some characters in South park and in Metal Fam was push mental problems onto the characters that they didn't actually have canonically confirmed.

Part of me wants to do this with one piece, I never have.
I can see some of the characters having some deep shit happening.

Usopp is definitely panic anxiety.
Law is depressed and copes by acting cynically.
Part of me could see Zoro actually having Tourette's syndrome.
Would people be into that

#onepieceideas #onepiece

Last updated 3 years ago

Just had an idea for a LawLuSopp thing.

Gonna write that before I forget it.

But first shower.

#onepiece #onepieceideas

Last updated 3 years ago