· @empiricism
268 followers · 1619 posts · Server ecoevo.social

In the movement, some folk say "Arg! We're all gonna die!", whilst other folk say "I'm just saying more people have to grow potatoes!"

Crazy Town: How to Lose Friends and Demoralize People: The (sic!) of Near-Term

Episode webpage: resilience.org/stories/2023-05

Media file: chtbl.com/track/4CG16G/www.buz

#Climate #science #extinction #sustainability #oneplanetdevelopment #economy #politics

Last updated 1 year ago

· @empiricism
268 followers · 1619 posts · Server ecoevo.social


We call this a

As the "leaders" ( industry or close ties to. E.g., business politicians) generally promote more of the same, more business as usual, it becomes increasingly more difficult to prop up the failing system.

There are non business as usual solutions.

But, the solutions are not being promoted by the "mainstream" consumerism culture.

#Polycrisis #oneplanetdevelopment #degrowth

Last updated 1 year ago

· @empiricism
12 followers · 36 posts · Server climatejustice.social

One Planet Development (or, how can people mitigate climate, the majority, if people don't change their lifestyles for the better? For the healthier!)

There are evidently ways to live an ecologically sustainable lifestyle. Lifestyles that have, beyond a reasonable doubt, relatively, a much lower ecological footprint - when compared to business and lifestyles as usual.

This is how we live sustainably! climatejustice.social/@empiric

There is (absolutely) nothing preventing (other than ignorance, bias & corruption) political parties from developing One Planet policies that encourage people, that help rather than hinder people, to access land if the people intend to manage their land sustainably (& show the proof, the planning application, of how they will live sustainably [ish] - dependent on the culture in general. e.g., providing access to EV public transport, etc).

Evidently, the people that want to use the land to construct low-impact houses for themselves & or families, that use virtually carbon-zero construction methods, are the "net zero" carbon emissions future. Not the people that want to buy land to construct a car park or houses or farm the land using fossil-fueled machinery.

Evidently, the people that *want* to grow on their land using farming methods, are the sustainable future. Not the people, the business-as-usual farming unions, that lobby governments so as to keep their sheep farming government handouts (monetary subsidies for unsustainable businesses).

Evidently, the people that want to grow food in ways that also restore and sustain , whilst using no fossil fuels, are the future. Not the supermarkets or wood-logging corporations that fund & cause deforestation in many countries.

Evidently, the people that want to use a minimal amount of resources and power, and generate that power locally via non-local air-polluting technologies, such as water, solar, wind, and thermal renewable sources of energy, are the future. Not the fossil fuel companies and their agenda to promote plastic products.

Evidently, the people that want to travel using a minimal amount of resources and power by, for example, riding bicycles & electric public transport, are the future. Not the people that want (emphasis on want) to drive their own diesel cars or own private Jets.

The people that evidently want to sustain the long-term future for themselves & or their families, and their friends, if they're informed, understand that our business-as-usual societies are overconsuming the planet to death. The people that don't understand or in some cases don't care, may not feel concerned about, for example, species extinction rates that are being caused by over-consumerism (e.g., mining & meat).

One Planet Development depends on shrinking ( ) the ecologically harmful polluting industries. And focusing on, & increasing (sustainable "growth") the ecologically sustainable methods (businesses & lifestyles).

To repeat the message. There are evidence-based, practical, relatively easy-to-understand ways to live an ecologically sustainable lifestyle (no doubt). climatejustice.social/@empiric

But, business as usual and business as usual politicians stand in our way. If we don't stop them, they will continue to ruin our chances of a sustainable future (no doubt).

For example, in the UK, the , & , all advocate . In most countries, business establishments and political establishments all promote growth that will cause more ecological degradation and more greenhouse gas emissions. They promote more of the same neo-liberal consumerism that is causing the climate to change.

For example, to quote the newspaper "Exclusive: If elected next year, [ Labour ] party would allow officials to buy up land at fraction of potential cost as part of ‘pro-building’ agenda.

That's a pro-growth business-as-usual agenda that will cause more greenhouse gases to be emitted, more land degradation, and therefore more climate change (and the Guardian isn't critical about this?)

To reiterate. There are evidence-based ecologically sustainable lifestyles (no doubt). climatejustice.social/@empiric

But, access to land (land prices) and non-fit-for-perpose planning policies are the barriers to sustainable success. And yet, the business-as-usual politicians are promoting "officials to buy up land at fraction of potential cost as part of ‘pro-building’ agenda".

Is it getting clearer why they are and will fail to mitigate climate change? (if they're not mitigated)

They're in the business-as-usual "box". So, if you are a genuine climate activist, please let these business-as-usual politicians, "think tanks", industry "leaders", "entrepreneurs", etc, know that we know they're the problem.

We are the solution to their problems climatejustice.social/@empiric

#food #agroecological #nature #degrowth #conservative #labour #libdems #growth #guardian #ecological #sustainability #ClimateJustice #oneplanetdevelopment #land #business #politics

Last updated 1 year ago