Download and Install OnePlus One Lineage OS 18.1 Android 11 Official ROM. #OnePlus #OnePlusOne #LineageOS
#oneplus #oneplusone #lineageos
My #OnePlusOne phone decided to break this past Friday. So I got a refurbished phone that was a #samsung. Now I have to learn all new buttons and a new launcher.
I wish it was all the same, but I guess that's what you get with #android?
The #OnePlusOne with #CyanogenOS 13.1.2 had a freaking terminal app with access to the local shell?!
Fun fact: footiMac just doubled its user accounts in a week! 😂
#oneplusone #selfhosting
Tonight’s #OnePlusOne features Stan Grant talking about himself while Tim Minchin is also in the room
Today I am going to borrow an #OneplusOne with #UbuntuTouch. I don't think it has been updated for a long time. Do you know if I can update it and/or if there is any other #Linux that will work on this device?
#oneplusone #ubuntutouch #linux #linuxsmartphone #ubports
Michel Laporte / musicien, chanteur
l’épisode 2 sur
Et …
#michellaporte #completementson #voodooskank #chrstopherenaud #alainbruel #tometbuck #thierrylieutau
#momofari #shadu #kakalband #oneplusone #tomwaits
Courte citation Hairy friends / Voodoo skank
Photo ©D Trillaud
#michellaporte #completementson #voodooskank #chrstopherenaud #alainbruel #tometbuck #thierrylieutau #momofari #shadu #kakalband #oneplusone #TomWaits
Just replaced my One Plus One battery (battery from 2014 !) Thanks @iFixit for the tear down I disconnected the camera at first so I had to reopen it and replug it but it’s fine now. Phone’s charging :-) #oneplusone #phone #repair #DIY
#oneplusone #phone #repair #diy
RT @oneplus: This Father's Day we'd like to give away something with monumental sentimental value: The #OnePlusOne!
For your chance to win just Like and Retweet!
Learn more:
Super happy right now :kirby_happy:
Reactivated my #oneplusone, flashed it with #lineageos16 without #gapps, only to go with #fdroid @fdroidorg, favorite #foss apps installed
:drake_like: phone is running real smooth
#oneplusone #lineageos16 #gapps #fdroid #foss
Mein #OneplusOne hat sich tiefenentladen und will nach 2 Stunden immer noch starten bzw. irgendetwas anzeigen im Display. Im Netz sind da einige Seiten die genau das Problem beschreiben. Jetzt mindestens 12 Stunden an die Steckdose :-((