#monochrome #MonochromeMonday #BlueMonday #Monterey #MontereyBay
Shot at Ocean View Blvd in #PacificGrove #MyPics #AllRightsReserved
#photography #PhotoMonday #Fotomontag #fotografie
#ShotOneOnePlus9Pro #OnePlusxHasselblad #MobilePhotography #PhonePhotography #DisabledArtist #SupportDisabledArtists #SupportArtists
#ArtOnMastodon #MastoArt #MastoPhoto
#monochrome #monochromemonday #BlueMonday #monterey #MontereyBay #pacificgrove #mypics #allrightsreserved #photography #Photomonday #Fotomontag #fotografie #shotoneoneplus9pro #oneplusxhasselblad #mobilephotography #phonephotography #DisabledArtist #supportdisabledartists #supportartists #artonmastodon #mastoart #mastophoto
Another shot from that night, where the reflection of the tree seems to bend back & gives the appearance that it & the actual tree merge.
#photography #WindowFriday #Fensterfreitag #ArtPhotography #MastoPhoto #MastoArt #Rain #Rainstorm #PineappleExpress #AtmostphericRivers #PixelFed
#UltraWideAngle #XPan #ShotOneOnePlus9Pro #OnePlusxHasselblad
#photography #WindowFriday #Fensterfreitag #artphotography #mastophoto #mastoart #rain #rainstorm #pineappleexpress #atmostphericrivers #pixelfed #ultrawideangle #xpan #shotoneoneplus9pro #oneplusxhasselblad
#BlackAndWhitePhotography of vary bare trees during this week's rainstorms.
It's a very wide angle shot with the camera placed against a window & you can see the reflection in the glass on the far right side of the photo.
2nd pic is edited for high contrast & coolness 😎
#photography #WindowFriday #Fensterfreitag #ArtPhotography #MastoPhoto #MastoArt #Rain #Rainstorm #PineappleExpress #AtmostphericRivers #PixelFed
#UltraWideAngle #XPan #ShotOneOnePlus9Pro #OnePlusxHasselblad
#blackandwhitephotography #photography #WindowFriday #Fensterfreitag #artphotography #mastophoto #mastoart #rain #rainstorm #pineappleexpress #atmostphericrivers #pixelfed #ultrawideangle #xpan #shotoneoneplus9pro #oneplusxhasselblad