Whaddup Twt #foodies - just made this:
It was SO easy and quick, and absolutely delicious. We substituted the green pepper for red, onion for red onion, doubled the cumin and turmeric, used 2x 160ml coconut cream instead of 1x400ml coconut milk, and used two birdseye red chillies at the end. #OnePot cooking ftw.
#recipe #curry
#foodies #onepot #recipe #curry
Heute gibt's lecker Sachen aus dem Garten. Puffbohnen* in Tomatensoße Tofu Crumble und glatter Petersilie.
*Die hab ich nur wegen des Namens angebaut. Hab hab einen sehr einfachen Humor.
Schnelle Ramen Suppe mit Gemüse aus dem Garten und Instant Brühe.
Bei dem Wetter gern etwas erfrischendes zum Abendessen: Zitronen Spinat Pasta.
Heute auf dem Teller: Sauerkraut Eintopf.
Mögliche Deko Ideen: Crème fraîche, schwarzer Sesam
A pot of #FishBalls & #ChineseCabbage with #RiceVermicelli #soup is #simmering on stovetop. It's our #dinner tonight. I like #OnePot #meals & am a huge #SoupLover 😊
#AsianMastodon #Teochew #homecooking #CulturalFoods #EthnicEats #TraditionalFood #AsianEats #CookingAtHome
#fishballs #chinesecabbage #ricevermicelli #soup #simmering #dinner #onepot #meals #souplover #asianmastodon #teochew #homecooking #culturalfoods #ethniceats #traditionalfood #asianeats #cookingathome
Heute etwas um mein Herz zu wärmen. Wirsingeintopf mit allem was so noch aus dem Garten verfügbar war. Diverse Möhren, Rübchen, Bohnen, Kichererbsen*, Kartoffeln*.
*Nicht aus meinem Garten
Perfektes Winteressen:
Backes Kartoffeln mit Zwiebeln und Speck
#Eintopf #Kochen #Food #Rheinhessen #OnePot
RT @RadlRonja@twitter.com
Rheinhessische Backes Kartoffeln,
(optisch nicht der Burner,
geschmacklich der Hit!)
Du brauchst:
ca. 1kg kleine Bio-Kartoffeln (mehlig kochend)
2-3 Zwiebeln
1 fingerdicke Scheibe Dörrfleisch
3 Nelken
2 Lorbeerblätter
300g saure Sahne
200ml süße Sahne
250ml Weißwein
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RadlRonja/status/1484200229939429381
#onepot #rheinhessen #food #kochen #eintopf
Its #SoupSeason y'all - yesterday's experiment with a new to me #Minestrone #recipe was a success! May I present to you the #TasteOfHome contest winning #soup and very easy, #OnePot one cutting board all flavor technique shown here: https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/contest-winning-easy-minestrone/
This was really, really good.
#soupseason #minestrone #recipe #tasteofhome #soup #onepot
Kartoffeln - Rosenkohl - Apfel - Zwiebel
#foodporn #yummy #onepot #rosenkohl #frischundfruchtig
Is there a bounty of 🥦broccoli🥦 in your #csa farmbox this winter? Try this #onepot recipe - even broccoli haters will be converted!
#food #gastronomy #vegetarian #cooking #onepot #csa
Thats why I prefer the #onepot method, why waste time cleaning up?
[food recipe onepot]One pot #Cookbook - The big stew recipe book consists of over 100 delicious recipes - Cook quickly and healthily.epub
Read: https://tinyurl.com/2gpyd5c6
DL: https://tinyurl.com/2mpvjua5
[food recipe onepot]The Big Book Of One Pot Recipes More Than 500 One Pot Recipes for Easy, Flavorful Meals.epub
Read: https://tinyurl.com/2f393w88
DL: https://tinyurl.com/2mcbeddp
#onepot #cookbook #cookbooks #ebooks #recipes
24 Dump Dinners You Can Make In A Crock-Pot
Step one: Dump everything into a slow cooker.
Step two: Let dinner make itself.
#food #recipe #onepot #recipes