I'm grateful that my bean stew was so delicious. I don't regularly cook a stew even though a vegan stew is perfect for my nutritional requirements, and the whole "one pot" cooking method is easy and energy efficient, because it's not a "cool" food. But the flavour combination of oregano, bay leaves, pepper, gravy, with veg and beans was super tasty, I'm going to make it more often!
#vegan #onepotmeal #delicious #easycooking #gratitude
Und wieder Dosenküche im Sinne meiner #VorratskammerChallenge: Chili con Carne - also sort of. Cumin pur kommt bei mir nicht in den Topf, dafür die nicht so geheime Geheimzutat Kakao (ungesüßt natürlich).
Drin waren: Zwiebeln, Knoblauch, Rinderhackfleisch, echter Kakao, 1 Dose Mais, 1 Dose Kidneybohnen, 1 Dose gehackte Tomaten, 1 Flasche Tomatenpüree, Wasser, Gewürze (u.a. Thymian, Oregano, Zimt, scharfe Paprika, ein Hauch Curry) und ein Schuss Limettensaft. Dazu gab es Tortilla-Chips aus Mais - wer mag, kann die auch kurz vor dem Servieren im Ofen kurz aufknuspern.
Und im Sinne von #FürMehrRealitätAufDemTeller bekommt ihr wieder meinen persönlichen Essteller zu sehen. 😅 Heute hat es endlich mal wieder geklappt - ich habe nur das Vorher-Foto von den Zutaten total vergessen, weil unter Zeitdruck.
Was gab's bei euch heut?
#Vorratshaltung #OnePotMeal #ChiliConCarne #Familienessen #Dinner #Abendessen #KochenFürKinder #günstigeGerichte
#vorratskammerchallenge #furmehrrealitataufdemteller #vorratshaltung #onepotmeal #chiliconcarne #familienessen #dinner #abendessen #kochenfurkinder #gunstigegerichte
This innovative reference to healthy eating is sure to convince you that eating lightly never tasted this good. Visit BrighteonBooks.com and find out more.
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This innovative reference to healthy eating is sure to convince you that eating lightly never tasted this good. Visit BrighteonBooks.com and find out more.
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This innovative reference to healthy eating is sure to convince you that eating lightly never tasted this good. Visit BrighteonBooks.com and find out more.
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This innovative reference to healthy eating is sure to convince you that eating lightly never tasted this good. Visit BrighteonBooks.com and find out more.
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This innovative reference to healthy eating is sure to convince you that eating lightly never tasted this good. Visit BrighteonBooks.com and find out more.
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#onepotmeal #healthbenefits #Recipe #healthylifestyle #goodfood