Ad for the world premiere of “One Rainy Afternoon” (1936), starring Francis Lederer and Ida Lupino, at the Rivoli Theater in New York City.
Produced by Mary Pickford and Jesse L. Lasky: “Two of the film industry’s greatest personalities present the first offering of their new enterprise”
#onerainyafternoon #idalupino #marypickford
Francis Lederer and Ida Lupino in the romantic comedy “One Rainy Afternoon” (1936)
#oldhollywood #francislederer #idalupino #onerainyafternoon
Ida Lupino, with Georgia Caine observing, on the phone in “One Rainy Afternoon” (1936)
#oldhollywood #idalupino #onerainyafternoon
Ida Lupino, with Georgia Caine observing, on the phone in “One Rainy Afternoon” (1936)
#oldhollywood #idalupino #onerainyafternoon