What would have happened if the ring had been forged by dwarves?
🖌️ © Barbarroc Creations at http://www.barbarroc.com/
#tolkien #onering #cirth #angerthas #tolkienart #tolkienillustrations
#tolkien #onering #cirth #angerthas #tolkienart #tolkienillustrations
I think I have the basics of the onering ttrpg down now. I've read through the starter set and I'm ready to send some Hobbits on some semi-cozy adventures.
I just need to get it set up in a vtt. I'm disappointed at the lack of an online or vtt manager for it.
#ttrpg #onering #lotr
#FFGStarWars + #WEGStarWars
#soloRPG #FFGStarWars #wegstarwars #TalesFromTheLoop #onering #callofcthulhu #doctorwho #savageworlds #worldbuilding #homebrew #firefly #babylon5 #shadowrun #spelljammer #planescape #settings #inabilitytothinkupadventureideas
Kotaku: Magic: The Gathering’s Elusive Ring Card Found, Valued At $2M https://kotaku.com/magic-the-gathering-lotr-mtg-tcg-one-ring-card-price-1850596616 #gaming #tech #kotaku #collectiblecardgames #collectiblecardgame #magicthegathering #wizardsofthecoast #lordoftherings #frodobaggins #velinystrom #jrrtolkien #blacklotus #smartcard #onering #ring
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #collectiblecardgames #collectiblecardgame #MagictheGathering #wizardsofthecoast #lordoftherings #frodobaggins #velinystrom #jrrtolkien #blacklotus #smartcard #onering #ring
Sauron indignado que queimaram seu precioso e ele nem "viu" 😂
#tolkien #lordoftherings #onering
Kotaku: Lord Of The Rings CCG Will Include Diversity And Originality https://kotaku.com/lord-of-the-rings-magic-the-gathering-card-game-wizards-1850485344 #gaming #tech #kotaku #middleearthwizards #thelordoftherings #lordoftherings #middleearth #jrrtolkien #literature #onering #wizards #fiction #sauron #wizard #magic #mee
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #middleearthwizards #TheLordOfTheRings #lordoftherings #middleearth #jrrtolkien #literature #onering #wizards #fiction #sauron #wizard #magic #mee
Kotaku: Dang, This Rough Lord Of The Rings: Gollum UI Though https://kotaku.com/lord-of-the-rings-gollum-calibri-font-user-interface-ui-1850475157 #gaming #tech #kotaku #middleearth3ashadowofmordor #daedalicentertainment #englishlanguagefilms #thelordoftherings #newzealandfilms #deepfieldgames #creativeworks #windowsgames #jrrtolkien #filmseries #geoffkeene #gamesradar #thehobbit #alexavard #andykelly #onering #gollum #films #dang
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #middleearth3ashadowofmordor #daedalicentertainment #englishlanguagefilms #TheLordOfTheRings #newzealandfilms #deepfieldgames #creativeworks #windowsgames #jrrtolkien #filmseries #geoffkeene #gamesradar #thehobbit #alexavard #andykelly #onering #gollum #films #dang
Kotaku: The Lord Of The Rings Game About Gollum Is Getting Absolutely Roasted https://kotaku.com/gollum-lord-of-the-rings-ps5-reviews-metacritic-bugs-1850474678 #gaming #tech #kotaku #stealthactionadventure #daedalicentertainment #englishlanguagefilms #thereturnoftheking #giovannicolantonio #thelordoftherings #newzealandfilms #lordoftherings #digitaltrends #creativeworks #britishfilms #andyserkis #squareenix #literature #tolkien #onering #gollum #films #nacon #orc #hp
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #stealthactionadventure #daedalicentertainment #englishlanguagefilms #thereturnoftheking #giovannicolantonio #TheLordOfTheRings #newzealandfilms #lordoftherings #digitaltrends #creativeworks #britishfilms #andyserkis #squareenix #literature #tolkien #onering #gollum #films #nacon #orc #hp
🦊FoxiMax #209 6/8
⬜🟩🟩🟩🟩 #foximax #holygrail #meaningoflife #onering
#foximax #holygrail #meaningoflife #onering
The players are confirmed! It’s looking strongly like #Bladerunner is going to be the winner with #RuneQuest and the #OneRing in a dead heat.
#bladerunner #runequest #onering
Going live with @happyjacksrpg
Join us for the Unsung Tales: A One Ring AP!
Streaming on Twitch at:
See past episodes at:
#happyjacks #onering #lotr #rpg #actualplay #freeleague
#happyjacks #onering #lotr #rpg #actualplay #FreeLeague
Za sve ljubitelje #rpg #tabletop igara, nedavno smo pravili intro vece za ljude koji nikad nisu probali nesto kao #dnd , #onering ili #dread. #dubgeonsanddragons je imao dve ekipe i po jedna za ostale. Ko zeli da pogleda kako nam je bilo, napravili smo video.
#dubgeonsanddragons #dread #onering #dnd #tabletop #rpg
IDK. With wizards backtracking today, I still just really don't feel interested in their products right now. I've really found some interesting alternative systems that I'm totally psyched about playing. I might cave and play D&D One if my group is wanting to, but I'm not going to push for it. I'm more excited about playing #earthdawn again, and checking out #morkborg and #runequest and #onering and so many other systems that I largely ignored for so long...
#earthdawn #morkborg #runequest #onering #ttrpg #ogl #freednd #dnd
Quienes habéis probado la nueva edición del Anillo Único, ¿os parece complejo el sistema de combate?
Espero vuestros consejos.
#juegosderol #ttrpg #Onering
Getting ready to journey through Middle Earth again!
Going live at 7pm Pacific. Join our fellowship on tonight's episode of the Unsung Tales: a One Ring AP.
Streaming on Twitch at:
See past episodes at:
#happyjacks #onering #lotr #rpg #actualplay #freeleague #gamer #dmlife
#happyjacks #onering #lotr #rpg #actualplay #FreeLeague #gamer #dmlife
Teraz czekam na to.... #onering #jedynypierscien #rpg #roleplaying #Role_Playing_Games #blackmonkgames
#blackmonkgames #role_playing_games #roleplaying #rpg #jedynypierscien #onering
Doczekałem się :). #onering #jedynypierscien #rpg #Role_Playing_Games #roleplaying #blackmonkgames
#blackmonkgames #roleplaying #role_playing_games #rpg #jedynypierscien #onering
Best selling #fantasy #RPG s published on #DriveThruRPG in 2022
#ttrpg #warhammer #avatar #dwarrowdeep #thingonomicon #ezd6 #wfrp #dnd #onering
#fantasy #rpg #drivethrurpg #ttrpg #warhammer #avatar #dwarrowdeep #thingonomicon #ezd6 #wfrp #DnD #onering
Best selling #fantasy #RPG s published on #DriveThruRPG in 2022
#ttrpg #warhammer #avatar #dwarrowdeep #thingonomicon #ezd6 #wfrp #dnd #onering
#fantasy #rpg #drivethrurpg #ttrpg #warhammer #avatar #dwarrowdeep #thingonomicon #ezd6 #wfrp #DnD #onering