UK MP's have no job description, no minimum attendance requirement and no specific service standard! We've seen how MPs like Nadine Dorries can be missing in action for months but still get paid large salaries! This has to change. Please sign your name (UK) - #NadineDorries #ToryScum #ToryCorruption #ParliamentCorruption #GovernmentCorruption #UKGovernment #ThemAndUs #OneRuleForThem
#nadinedorries #toryscum #torycorruption #parliamentcorruption #governmentcorruption #ukgovernment #themandus #oneruleforthem
If you or I broke the law and got caught, we'd be in trouble.
But if a big company like Boots breaks the law and gets caught, they just apologise and that's the end of it.
Large companies know that. There is no incentive for them to keep their ads within the law. It takes ages for any complaint against them to be investigated and their ad stays up in the meantime. The worst that happens is they eventually have to take it down.
#crooks #oneruleforthem #boots
"More than £1m" in taxes.
I should bloody well hope he did pay more than that on £4.7m of earnings. Normal people have to pay 45% tax on income over £150K.
But I guess normal rules don't apply to the rich and powerful.
RT @nomoremonarchs
Charles has not "shared" with his fellow citizens either. At the current 40% IHT rate, about £260million tax would have been due. But he hasn't paid a penny. It's outrageous. The law should apply equally to all.
#oneruleforthem #PayYerTaxCharles #NotMyKing #AbolishTheMonarchy
#AbolishTheMonarchy #notmyking #payyertaxcharles #oneruleforthem
@mammutsapiens remarkable but unsurprising #oneruleforthem #ToryCorruption
#oneruleforthem #ToryCorruption
"You wouldn't put your tax returns in the newspaper, would you Nadhim?"
@VDA An FPN for *that* birthday party and now another for not wearing a seat belt.
It's almost as though normal rules and laws don't apply to them.
RT Bet their children in private schools get #CleanAir too, our children in UK state schools? Oh no, of course not, apparently it isn’t necessary … #OneRuleForThem #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #HEPA #corsirosenthalbox
#corsirosenthalbox #hepa #toriesdestroyingourcountry #oneruleforthem #cleanair
Brilliant summary here about the reptile Zahawi. #ToryCorruption #OneRuleForThem
RT @DanNeidle
There’s a very lengthy backstory to Nadhim Zahawi’s HMRC settlement, and lots of people have been asking me to summarise it. Here goes:
#ToryCorruption #oneruleforthem
Let’s see if the law applies to him too #OneRuleForThem
Piggott, another well known public figure who liked his horses and dodged £3m tax, had to do time.
And he didn’t issue threats in an attempt to silence his accusers.
RT @JamesWoodfield
Piggott, another well known public figure who liked his horses and dodged £3m tax, had to do time.
And he didn’t issue threats in an attempt to silence his accusers.
RT @bheardmedia
Multimillionaire PM Rishi Sunak refused twice to say it was wrong for MPs to receive six-figure sums from companies that don't even exist!..
Wonder why?! 🤔
#ToryCorruption #oneruleforthem #enoughlsenough
David Warburton - alleged sexual predator, alleged Class A drug fiend, and alleged corrupt Russian asset, given a pass by the parliamentary standards Commissioner.
David Warburton - alleged sexual predator, alleged Class A drug fiend, and alleged corrupt Russian asset, given a pass by the parliamentary standards Commissioner.
* Tory MP gets £150,000 "loan" from a Russian;
* Tory MP hides it in an offshore account;
* Tory MP lobbies for the Russian;
* Commissioner for Standards Kathryn Stone says "He apologised, that'll do"
@JoeGrowling What was that you were saying about the rozzers the other day? 😡 #MetPolice #OneRuleForThem
It says this: "failing"? Fucking failing?!?? 😡 ✊
#EndViolenceAgainstWomen #MetPolice #UKPolitics #SueGrayWhitewash #OneRuleForThem
#endviolenceagainstwomen #metpolice #ukpolitics #suegraywhitewash #oneruleforthem