@cestfleuve earlier today @sarahhbickerton asked why does women's clothing come in such inconsistent sizing, even in the same store? I agree with you both. And add #OneSizeFitsAll as all too often #FalseAdvertising!
#onesizefitsall #falseadvertising
"Just buy my anti-diet-culture book" or
just go for the jab or
put your faith in #PrecisionMedicine.
Attractive ideas, but #NoPanaceas.
#onesizefitsall #precisionmedicine #nopanaceas
Alle Wwft-plichtigen kunnen volgens deze sprekers allemaal hetzelfde #onesizefitsall
@emilyk True. Definitely not #OneSizeFitsAll. But even if the insights on #Shabbos aren't useful the research is grost for the mill.