Félicien Breton · @breton
59 followers · 292 posts · Server mstdn.social
Félicien Breton · @breton
59 followers · 292 posts · Server mstdn.social

Read an article by +972 magazine: Francesca Albanese, Special Rapporteur, discusses the recent attacks against her, defining 's as settler , and using international law to dismantle it: 972mag.com/francesca-albanese-

#westbank #StateRacism #zionism #IsraelApartheid #israelpalestine #onestate #colonialism #occupation #Israel #un

Last updated 2 years ago

Félicien Breton · @breton
59 followers · 292 posts · Server mstdn.social

Why would the Dean of the Harvard Kennedy School veto a fellowship hiring? Because Kenneth Roth and "had the temerity to treat like every other repressive, rights-violating government they scrutinized." Apparently the donors to the Kennedy School disapproved: jacobin.com/2023/01/ken-roth-h by Branko at

#conspiracy #antisemitism #USpol #Palestine #University #Education #zionism #HumanRights #onestate #Isrealpalestine #isrealapartheid #jacobin #marcetic #harvard #Israel #hrw

Last updated 2 years ago