@lethalbit Yeah, the situation is bad.
Sadly @EU_Commission basically allowed #Autodesk to monopolize #Engineering #Software and that made them discontinue #Eagle as #OneTimePurchase and espechally the #NonCommercial #Hobbyist license which was basically the full suite for €125 but restricted to no commercial use.
I still hate myself for not having bought that over a decade ago...
#hobbyist #noncommercial #onetimepurchase #Eagle #Software #engineering #autodesk
@haitchfive Not talking about #Photoshop, but #PremierePro and yes #PremiereElements already pissed me off enough to switch to #Resolve...
Also #Adobe - like #Autodesk - are systematically working on monopolizing their #Software nieches and solely discontinued #OneTimePurchase Software solely to middle-finger #UsedSoftware sales in juristictions like #Germany where it's explicitly allowed.
#Germany #usedsoftware #onetimepurchase #Software #autodesk #adobe #resolve #premiereelements #premierepro #photoshop
@miah I know that in the #UsedLicense|s - Market, which is #legal in #Germany - old #OneTimePurchase #Eagle and #CS6 licenses are still holding value if not increase in price even above the original.
Espechally since #Autodesk and #Adobe killed said licenses as pure retaliation against the courts ruling that they've to accept #UsedSales without any compensation (aka. #rentseeking) - just like with physical appliances!
#rentSeeking #usedsales #adobe #autodesk #cs6 #Eagle #onetimepurchase #Germany #legal #usedlicense
@black_intellect In fact, I'm convinced that #Microsoft's board hasn't yet axed #OneTimePurchase versions of #Windows ["#Server"] and #Office due to existing #distribution and #licensing agreements.
Otherwise they would've pulled an #Atlassian long ago and made all their products #cloud + #subscription - only...
#subscription #Cloud #Atlassian #licensing #distribution #office #Server #Windows #onetimepurchase #Microsoft
Espechally since #Hardware & #OneTimePurchase #Software ain't their core business, but rather the "razer handle" aka. gateway to their #subscription services.
Making almost no #profit on an #Xbox or #Surface device is fine, cuz those will be bought by people who then buy #Games and pay for #subscriptions to #XboxGamePass & #XboxLive or #Office365 & #Outlook + #Exchange on #Azure respectably...
#azure #Exchange #outlook #office365 #xboxlive #XboxGamePass #subscriptions #Games #surface #xbox #profit #subscription #Software #onetimepurchase #Hardware
@DaemonFC I seriously doubt that.
#Microsoft isn't as #anagonistic as it used to be under #Gates and #Ballmer in terms of #Linux, as they shifted gears from #OneTimePurchase #Software to #SaaS & #Cloud-based offerings.
In fact, I'm convinced that once the one-time-purchase Version of #MicrosoftOffice gets axed, #Office365 will officially support #Linux.
#office365 #microsoftoffice #Cloud #saas #Software #onetimepurchase #Linux #Ballmer #gates #anagonistic #Microsoft