it's actually ridiculous how much money I get paid to post #onhere, especially when you consider how poor quality most of it is
Some of y’all really crazy #Onhere 🤣 … I read some toots an be like wow .. y’all Insane 🤣🤣 but it’s room for us all I was insane at a point in life fr I was jaded .. my life cup is half full now ..positivity or get it away from me ..
er, anybody in my circles #onhere actually use a screen-reader regularly? does anybody know the best way to express emphasis in alt-text? especially when transcribing something with emphasis?
i mostly tended towards minimizing punctuation besides the basics, and converting some structural things to prose, trying to balance 'true to the source material' against 'would sound comprehensible when read out loud'
but one frustrating one is definitely emphasis
it's so often very important to meaning; but I can't imagine ALL CAPS, nor "underscore foo underscore is very underscore bar underscore" (or asterisk or whatever) being great either if I just _literally_ translate the *source material* …
but at the same time, inserting emphasis via prose is often a substantial rewrite of the source-material, more substantial than i want to subject it to )=
RTs appreciated etc, hope this can reach somebody who actually _uses_ them to consume Mastodon :x
Fediverse is pretty much my only general social media outlet these days (aside from some very niche ones that I love for helping to keep me sane). And yet I get reminded semi-regularly that I actually kind of low-level hate microblogging as a form
Much as I love my fedi instance (, I think I need to find some way to be #OnHere other than Mastodon, something that goes for more long form..
It's a time-honored past time #OnHere to steamroll people and then write a very long callout post about them when they don't do everything you want immediately
I can’t stop thinking about the article Wicche posted about AI porn. Not because nonconsensual AI porn is fucked up (it is), but because they opened by explaining that women endowed with horse cocks is a popular genre. Now I don’t know anything about 404 Media, but it seems the intent there is to shock and disgust, which is funny because to me and a lot of people #onhere, that’s not even a blip on our weird shit radars.
A while back, someone #onhere tooted something wise about why we build optimizing compilers… along the lines of “it’s not so much to eke out diminishing performance returns from old heaps of dusty C, although that’s nice too; it’s more about making new language abstractions practical.”
Anybody remember this toot I now can’t find? I’d love to cite it as opening-day class motivation.
oh don't mind me I'm just gonna shout into the void about the #Nats, safe in the knowledge that absolutely nobody in the whole goddamn #Fediverse gives a shit about #baseball because it's not...I dunno, whatever the hell it is people like to talk about #onHere
#nats #fediverse #baseball #onhere
I wish Alice Fraser were #onhere to know about this half a glass of water tip in the wild. #thegargle
Edit: oh snap she is on here @AliceFraser everyone follow her!
(I edited this for free, don’t tell Elno.)
@Charlobo Someone #OnHere told me that hashtags don't work on every instance or something beep beep boop like that.
But that's how I find stuff (and you already know that I make up tags for everything. It cracks me up. Mastodon doesn't have QT but I can use tags to comment on stuff.)
And yes! I already follow her!
There's another Black romance author I follow on Insta who does a lot of Black geek+romance stuff (and she wrote some prize-winning romances about the Civil War and Black women who were part of the Underground)...gah what's her name...Alyssa Cole!! I love her.
the other day #onhere someone explained how they’ve been imagining unnecessary tailgaters as their little pets. i tried this out yesterday and realized that this is actually an A+++ DBT intervention that really works. lmao
let's go on the internet
#loggingon #surfing #onhere #scrolling #clicking
#LoggingOn #surfing #onhere #scrolling #Clicking
I made it to 200 followers #onhere ....! feels good man
What if I do a little follower raffle/giveaway? The winner gets a flat colored portrait drawn by yours truly!
1.) Follow me (must be 18+ to follow)
2.) Boost this post
Giveaway will end August 15th!
I mainly draw TF and a lot of it is saucy so please keep that in mind before following. 'w'
I often think about the time I buried a wild rat in my back yard because someone #OnHere told me to
Here’s a *gigantic* protocol fail #OnHere at the moment: if I want to traverse another user’s follower graph through my (mostly excellent!) @ivory UX, I get little to nothing.
If I copy that user’s profile URL to a browser, I *can* see those FoF relationships as an anonymous webpage. Why is FoF-traversal harder on the app than through mobile?
I just want follow new people. And it’s cool to see who other people follow. We really gotta nail this.
@flexghost this behavior needs to be rooted out by the people impacted most - the people who truly could be hurt by it.
Whenever you disagree with a member of a marginalized or minority group #OnHere you run the risk of encountering someone who will use their status as a member of that group as a shield to say they’re being attacked because of it.
No - you’re being attacked because you’re an asshole not because you’re a <insert status here> in fact I get along with 100% of <status> that aren’t assholes.
People who cry wolf like that give actual malicious people cover to say continue their behavior by saying “they always play the <status> card.
imaging responding to criticism #onhere by saying "oh yeah, well I donate to the Mastodon project Patreon" as if that affords you additional leeway and grace, rather than marking yourself as an incredible rube.