Well, then it's even more important to host relays and pressure sites to #DontBlockTor and provide an #OnionService as that'll be much faster.
Espechally since @torproject seems to have fixed the #DDoS issues for #OnionServices...
#OnionServices #DDoS #onionservice #dontblocktor
Since #Shitter has gone down the drain and hasn't renewed ther #SSL #certificate for their #OnionService I've yeeted them from the onion.domains.list.tsv...
:birdsite: :twitter: :deadbird:
#Twitter #onionservice #certificate #ssl #Shitter
Meine Instanz ist auch unter der Adresse
Kennt ihr noch weitere Instanzen, die als Onion Service betrieben werden?
Könnte man mich auch über die Adresse @qbi@az7swyjuxw4pf4bbsmsgbfpwtyfs5y5pa6a4d5vklnw7ziv54cn7u2ad.onion erreichen?
Only one thing that would be even better is if there's an #OnionService to directly access it while using @torproject as this would make it a viable option for a lot of folks that currently have to use oshi.at
@bubbline Pretty shure #Matrix uses #TCP so that should be tunnel-able via #Tor...
Generally, that is an option:
The point is that i.e. a person from #Russia and/or #KSA will risk getting their door kicked in if they even dare to open a domain like .gay, .lgbt, etc.
So an #OnionService or at least not blocking the use via #Tor is an option besides making it reachable via different domains!
#onionservice #ksa #Russia #Tor #tcp #Matrix
@bubbline Q: is it reachable through other, less obvious domains?
Cuz that's kinda risky for some folks...
Maybe even allowing use of @torproject #Tor or having an #OnionService??
Pretty shure @trans_rescue would be interested...
@KrissyKat that's because #NSAbook decided to #block #Tor users...
Which is odd since they obviously know how to run an #OnionService as their main site is on @torproject and they could've just made a conditional redirect to a matching .onion site...
Maybe that's what's broken?
#onionservice #Tor #block #NSAbook
@elmyra *nodds in agreement*
If you find anything, let me know...
Ideally something with an #OnionService cuz that's what got me to this instance in the first place...
@Fr_g @mforester @killyourfm @thunderbird so no, don't trust @protonmail or me or anyone else, but rather exercise proper #ITsec, #InfoSec, #OpSec & #ComSec.
Use proper #E2EE [aka. #GnuPG /# OpenPGP (PGP/MINE) and @torproject cuz unlike a centralized provider the people behind #Tor can't deanonymize you specifically even if they get held at gunpoint and threatened with indefinite jailtime.
Otherwise that would've been done to them with any illicit #OnionService aka. "#HiddenService"...
#hiddenservice #onionservice #Tor #gnupg #e2ee #comsec #opsec #InfoSec #ITSec
@gameplayer I guess only @stux knows, but tI'm convinced the lack of a scalable option that compares to the #EOTK [Enterprise #OnionService Toolkit] for #I2P is hampering it - alongside lack of adoption...
@adlerweb Faszinierend...
Ich hoffe das wurde per #WayBackMachine revisionssicher archiviert?
IMHO stellt das eine #Vorverurteilung dar und.wahrsccheinlich könnten fähige Anwälte wie https://wbs.legal die Domain freiboxen.
#NotLegalAdvice aber in.der Zwischenzeit.hindert die nix daran auf @torproject #Tor auszuweichen und die Seite als #OnionService hochzuladen...
#onionservice #Tor #notlegaladvice #vorverurteilung #waybackmachine
@KarlHeinzHasliP Not surprising...
@AufstandLastGen should've gone @torproject #Tor #OnionService ages ago and not chosen seizeable cash for their "Bail Fund" when #Monero exists...
#NotLegalAdvice ofc, but since I'm not their #CISO nor being paid to fix this fuckup, it's not my problem, as I already #ToldYaSo ages ago...
OFC the charges are completely made up and it's all political showmanship...
#toldyaso #CISO #notlegaladvice #monero #onionservice #Tor
@AufstandLastGen #OnionService auf @torproject #Tor, wann?
PS: bei ner .de ist Beschlagnahme trivialst...
Gibt andere TLDs und Registrare die sowas nicht mal eben ermöglichen... #JustSaying #NotLegalAdvice
#notlegaladvice #justsaying #Tor #onionservice
And worst of all:
- Ableist #captchas and preventing the use of #PasswordManagers is the biggest asshole move one can do - aside from preventing non-#JavaScript use in #Screenreader-#Browsers like #Lynx and
# Don't block or discriminate against @torproject users at all. If you want them to securely connect to your site [i.e. for logins], make an #OnionService where every user will have their own & unique #circuit at runtime!
#circuit #onionservice #lynx #browsers #screenreader #JavaScript #passwordmanagers #captchas
@EeveeEuphoria I hope someone cloned the entire repo...
Cuz Nintendo deserves that shit to get streisanded against them...
Also: What prevents people from setting up a #Gitlab or #Gitea as #OnionService?
You can obfuscate location and thus juristiction by going into #Tor network [see @torproject writeup on #OnionService: https://community.torproject.org/onion-services/ ] but unless you're tech-literate, you'll require a lot of $$$$ to buy in the necessary tech and people to upkeep it.
@jwildeboer @EU_Commission that being said, #DTAG are shit as #ISP and forcibly disconnecting & reallocating IP adresses is the norm on ALL consumer tariffs with no SLAs whatsoever.
There's #DynamicDNS, #MultipathTCP and #VPN as well as @torproject #OnionService|s for that scenario!
I specofically have an Enterprise Tariff to avoid these pitfalls...
#onionservice #VPN #multipathtcp #dynamicdns #isp #DTAG
Set up my website as an #OnionService to be accessible through the #Tor browser.
I think it's important to use Tor for things that don't necessarily have to be hidden as well, so using Tor doesn't just flag you as "someone who has something to hide".
About a year ago I was bored and a bit toasted from a rough on-call rotation. I built https://github.com/cmars/onionpipe to cheer myself up a bit. It's a nifty little tool that makes it easy to forward services over Tor.
Lately I've been working on a Rust port, https://github.com/cmars/onionpipe-rs, which has been a lot of fun. It's coming along, tonight I learned how to build combinator parsers with nom.
#rust #golang #tor #onionservice
@JoshuaHolland Maybe we soon need some "Freedom Library 2.0" on @torproject network as #OnionService?