#OSSTF members of course have the right to decide if they want to accept this, but in my opinion they'd do well to reject it. I'd be very interested to hear the bargaining leadership's rationale for this. To start a mean and totally fictitious rumour, what if if turns out Ford offered them part of the #Greenbelt? #OnPoli #OnLabour
#onlabour #onpoli #greenbelt #OSSTF
The court put its thumb on the scale in favour of the bosses #onlabour #onlab #cdnlab
> Metro has been granted a temporary injunction to restrict pickets by its striking workers at distribution warehouses in Toronto.
Gotta love the bias from whoever scribbles Toronto Star headlines: "Billions at stake as Ontario takes public sector workers to Court of Appeal". How about "Constitutional rights at stake..."? or "Court of Appeal to rule if Ontario taxpayers' reps guilty of wage theft"?