Another day in ON & another court case that #FordServesGreed has lost! How many so far? All of them! But like a good GOP CON Premier, its only money (not his own) & if it gives his BFFs #ONLandBarons #cheap labour, he will fight harder. #SupremeCourt rules his stiffling wage increases ad infinitum was illegal, unjust! #LordGreed says he will appeal!! For F..ks sake! Women dominated unions most impacted. #FordAbominaNation #FordIsCorrupt
#fordservesgreed #onlandbarons #cheap #supremecourt #lordgreed #fordabominanation #fordiscorrupt
#FordServesGreed is worst Premier ON has ever seen! Destroying: Democracy, unions, Education, Healthcare, LTC all to his BFFs, #OnLandBarons #4Profits #BigCorps. Why? Cheap Labour benefits Overlords hugely! We starve, they thrive! We dumb down, too tired to challenge their BS! Ford whines that 'he didnt want to do it" in revoking NWSTNDG law, indicating he is being controlled by them in all areas that concern ON welfare! Is he Premier or deFacto Premier only! #FordMustGo
#fordservesgreed #onlandbarons #4profits #bigcorps #fordmustgo