Online Movie night! 📽️ This Thursday, international premiere of Alter Nativas, an inspiring new documentary exploring transition in action, journeying with communities already responding to the multiple crises we're facing.
Plus Q&A with director. Tickets:
#transition #transitiontown #justtransition #alternativas #alternatives #future #movie #documentary #onlineevent
#transition #transitiontown #justtransition #alternativas #alternatives #future #movie #documentary #onlineEvent
🚨 #OnlineEvent Thurs Jun 1, 4pm PDT
w authors #NKJemisin, @nalohopkinson, #AdrienneMareeBrown, & moderated by poet #BrandonWint
"will explore the ways #WorldBuilding & #imagination apply broader social notions of #justice & the ways their writing brings attention to the realities of #Black life in the present & the possibilities into the future"
Registration is free, but donations go to the #AntiRacism Coalition #Vancouver
#onlineEvent #nkjemisin #adriennemareebrown #brandonwint #worldbuilding #imagination #justice #black #antiracism #vancouver #scifi #massyarts
Let's fight together hierarchy as a system of oppression with shared power!
Join us at the Global Annual Sociocracy Conference:
#Conference #Onlineevent #Sociocracy #power #governance #Solidarity #Neweconomies #Socialjustice #Climatejustice
#conference #onlineEvent #sociocracy #power #governance #solidarity #neweconomies #socialjustice #climatejustice
✨ Join us tomorrow, Friday, April 7, for a special online lecture by 🔥 @genramirez 🔥
Gen is an incredible type designer, letterer, sign-painter, and one of the most talented and generous people in type. Check out his work with Letrástica Fest ❤️
Free and online via Type Electives! Learn more, and register below:
#community #criticalthinking #love #onlineevent #lectureseries #type #design #education
#Community #criticalthinking #love #onlineEvent #lectureseries #type #design #Education
This Friday, March 31, we’re excited to welcome designer and lettering artist, David Jon Walker ✨
Join us to learn about David’s process and inspiration for his 🔥 thought-provoking 🔥 lettering works.
This event is free and online ❤️
Details and registration are on our website:
Check out and follow David's work:
#community #criticalthinking #love #onlineevent #lectureseries #type #design #education
#Community #criticalthinking #love #onlineEvent #lectureseries #type #design #Education
This Friday, March 24, we're excited to welcome Libbie Bischoff, type designer and founder of Type Du Nord.
Come and learn about Libbie's journey from student at Type West to starting her own type foundry 🔥🔥🔥
This event is free and online ❤️
Details and registration are on our website:
#community #criticalthinking #love #onlineevent #lectureseries #type #design #education
#Community #criticalthinking #love #onlineEvent #lectureseries #type #design #Education
This Friday, March 10, we’re excited to welcome Schessa Garbutt, founder & creative director of Firebrand House.
Come and learn about Schessa's journey into type design through their brand identity practice for social justice and cultural groups as well as their work provoking and troubling the typical design canon and its processes.
This event is free and online. Details and registration are on our website:
#criticalthinking #community #onlineevent #TypeElectives
#criticalthinking #Community #onlineEvent #typeelectives
More Olmsted!
Finding Frederick Law Olmsted in Cotton's Kingdom
Hosted by the Friends of Olmsted-Beil House
Online even January 26, 7:00 – 8:30 PM (EST)
Sara Zewde shares her recent research on the impact of Frederick Law Olmsted’s journeys through the Slave States on his practice of landscape architecture.
#OnlineEvent #Olmsted #FrederickLawOlmsted #FLO #OlmstedNetwork
#onlineEvent #olmsted #fredericklawolmsted #flo #olmstednetwork
Check out "Conversations with Olmsted: Green Gentrification" and RSVP via Eventbrite.
Online Tuesday, January 24, from 3:00 to 4:00 PM (EST).
#OnlineEvent #Olmsted #FrederickLawOlmsted #FLO #OlmstedNetwork
#onlineEvent #olmsted #fredericklawolmsted #flo #olmstednetwork
It's the most magical time of the year! Our Literary Advent Calendar returns tomorrow. Tune in every day from 1-24 December to open a window and see a reading by an Irish author who published a new book in 2022. All videos have closed captions and will be on our youtube channel
#AdventCalendar #OnlineEvent #FreeEvent #Books #IrishWriters #IrishWriting #Accessibility #WCLF #WestCork #LiteraryFestival
#adventcalendar #onlineEvent #freeevent #books #irishwriters #irishwriting #accessibility #wclf #westcork #LiteraryFestival
Join us for a Webinar and find out what Tomorrow’s Engineering Research Challenges will mean for you.
Tuesday 13th December 2022 at 9.00 am-10.45 am, online.
Free to members and non-members. Register now:
#OnlineEvent #Research #Engineering
#onlineEvent #research #engineering
probably should've put some of these on there: #poetry #SpokenWord #Online #OnlineEvent
#poetry #spokenword #online #onlineEvent
🐇🎧 I’m looking forward to chatting with Queer Death Stories as part of the Lifting The Lid International Festival of Death and Dying at 7pm #LiftingTheLidFestival #MrsDeathMissesDeath See you all this evening! Thank you!💀♥️
#DeathPositive #Grief #Poetry #PositiveDeathMovement #MrsDeath #booktwitter #bookstagram #books #SalenaGodden #OnlineEvent #QueerDeathStories #Conversation #Reading #DeathAndDying
#Deathanddying #reading #conversation #queerdeathstories #onlineEvent #salenagodden #books #bookstagram #booktwitter #mrsdeath #positivedeathmovement #poetry #grief #deathpositive #mrsdeathmissesdeath #liftingthelidfestival
Free lecture about queer vikings on May 17th (on Zoom):
📹 Aquí te dejamos un pequeño vídeo recordando algunos momentos de las anteriores ediciones de #TalentWomanES, para que te ayuden a inspirarte ;)
💻 Inscríbete en #TalentWomanES👉 📆 11-12 noviembre | #OnlineEvent | #STEAM #Innovación #Líderazgo #Mujeres
#TalentWomanES #onlineEvent #mujeres #steam #innovación #Líderazgo
Grade läuft wohl was, das #Innovationsland #Deutschland heißt.
Draufgekommen bin ich wegen:
Innovationsduell mit Dr. Antje von Dewitz und Prof. Dr. Niko Paech
-> ich mag #NikoPaech .
Das ganze #OnlineEvent am 15. & 16. April 2021 (also heute + morgen) hier:
#onlineEvent #nikopaech #deutschland #innovationsland
40 days until CozyCon Online: Summer Vacation!
🎨 Mascot art by
#cozycononline #virtualevent #convention #onlineevent #virtualconvention #summer #sloth
#sloth #summer #virtualconvention #onlineEvent #convention #virtualevent #CozyConOnline #OnlineEvent : #OSHW summit : The 2021 #OpenHardware summit will be held online again and livestreamed on #Day20210409
#openhardware #onlineEvent #oshw #Day20210409 #EmacsConf 2020 will be on #Sat20201128 online for any #Emacs #OrgMode #Elisp geek #OnlineEvent
#emacsconf #Sat20201128 #emacs #orgmode #elisp #onlineEvent
🙋🏽♀️ Looking to brush up your #technical skills? Get weekly updates about our latest online #events from our global networks!
Sign up for our newsletter→ #engineer #developer #webinar #onlineevent #virtualevent
#events #engineer #technical #webinar #developer #onlineEvent #virtualevent