The art for this series is very fun, check out the ghostly dragon behind my character!
Learn the story behind
#EternalCardGame's hero, “Dracowitch Razca,” and more at the link
#dragon #fantasy #ccg #gameaudio #onlinecardgame #eternalcardgame
#onlinecardgame #gameaudio #ccg #fantasy #dragon #eternalcardgame #direwolfdigital
The art for this series is very fun, check out the ghostly dragon behind my character!
Learn the story behind
#EternalCardGame's hero, “Dracowitch Razca,” and more at the link
#dragon #fantasy #ccg #gameaudio #onlinecardgame #eternalcardgame
#onlinecardgame #gameaudio #ccg #fantasy #dragon #eternalcardgame #direwolfdigital
Many thanks to Matt at the Direwolf booth at PAXUnplugged for a lovely chat and for gifting me this rockin dragon pin!
I had a blast doing voiceover in Eternal Card Game for “Dracowitch Razca”:)
#dragon #fantasy #ccg #PAXUnplugged #gameaudio #onlinecardgame #eternalcardgame #pax #Direwolf
#direwolf #pax #eternalcardgame #onlinecardgame #gameaudio #paxunplugged #ccg #fantasy #dragon
Many thanks to Matt at the Dire Wolf Digital booth at PAXUnplugged for a lovely chat and for gifting me this rockin dragon pin!
I had a blast doing voiceover in Eternal Card Game for “Dracowitch Razca”:)
#dragon #fantasy #ccg #PAXUnplugged #gameaudio #onlinecardgame #eternalcardgame #pax #Direwolf
#direwolf #pax #eternalcardgame #onlinecardgame #gameaudio #paxunplugged #ccg #fantasy #dragon