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What Is A Digital Elevation Model (DEM)?- A Practical Guide
-- <-- shared tutorial
“A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is a digital cartographic dataset that represents a continuous topographic elevation surface through a series of cells. Each cell represents the elevation (Z) of a feature at its location (X and Y). Digital Elevation Models are a “bare earth” representation because they only contain information about the elevation of geological (ground) features, such as valleys, mountains, and landslides, to name a few. They do not include any elevation data concerning non-ground features, such as vegetation or buildings...”

#gis #spatial #mapping #elevation #spatialdata #spatialanalysis #data #digital #dem #digitalelevationmodel #lidar #remotesensing #model #modeling #ifsar #onlinelearning #onlinelessons #tutorial #landform #bathymetry #geomorphology #geology #landforms

Last updated 2 years ago