A Decade After A Disastrous Launch, Is Apple Maps Finally Good?
https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2023/aug/09/apple-maps-cycling-transport-google <-- shared media article
#GIS #spatial #mapping #cartography #onlinemapping #dataquality #AppleMaps #quality #improvement #navigation #spatialdata #datacollection #updates #realtime #gischat #Apple
#gis #spatial #mapping #cartography #onlinemapping #dataquality #applemaps #quality #improvement #navigation #spatialdata #datacollection #updates #realtime #gischat #Apple
Just Made A Queer Memory? Drop A Pin [community mapping]
https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/25/style/queering-the-map-lucas-larochelle.html <-- shared media article
https://www.queeringthemap.com/ <-- web site
#GIS #spatial #mapping #communitymapping #lgbtpride #lgbtq #lgbtqcommunity #lgbtqplus #pridemonth #pride2023 #pridemonth2023 #pridecommunity #anonymous #anonymity #experience #community #digital #people #project #media #QueeringTheMap #culture #experinces #memories #cartography #onlinemapping #onlinemap #gischat #archive #affinity #connections #global #world
#gis #spatial #mapping #communitymapping #lgbtpride #lgbtq #lgbtqcommunity #lgbtqplus #PrideMonth #pride2023 #pridemonth2023 #pridecommunity #Anonymous #anonymity #experience #community #digital #people #project #media #queeringthemap #culture #experinces #memories #cartography #onlinemapping #onlinemap #gischat #archive #affinity #connections #global #world
UNVT Portable - Portable MapServers For Disaster Response
" ‘UNVT Portable’ is a package for RaspberryPi that functions as a map hosting server and can be freely accessed from a web browser within a local network.
It is mainly intended to function in an offline environment during times of severe disaster, and is expected to play an active role... where disaster response headquarters are set up to assess the situation and respond to disasters by combining aerial drone images taken after a disaster occurs with OpenStreetMap and various open data tile data sets prepared in advance…”
#GIS #spatial #mapping #gischat #portable #mapserver #raspberrypi #raspberry #hosting #server #webbrowser #localnetwork #onsite #disasterresponse #hardware #solution #opensource #openformat #responsecenter #disasterresponsecenter #headquarters #readyresponse #mobile #mobileoffice #emergencyresponse #emergencymanagement #emergencypreparedness #risk #hazard #onlinemapping
#gis #spatial #mapping #gischat #portable #MapServer #raspberrypi #raspberry #hosting #server #webbrowser #localnetwork #onsite #disasterresponse #hardware #solution #opensource #openformat #responsecenter #disasterresponsecenter #headquarters #readyresponse #mobile #mobileoffice #emergencyresponse #emergencymanagement #emergencypreparedness #risk #hazard #onlinemapping
Scientists Unveil Mass Online Mapping Tool Revealing Marine Life On Ocean Floors [Seamap Australia]
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-05-23/public-access-to-imas-marine-mapping-tool-for-sea-floor/102377580 <-- shared media article
https://seamapaustralia.org/map/ <-- Seamap Australia - National Marine Benthic Habitat Map
#GIS #spatial #mapping #Australia #Seamap #opendata #crowdsourcing #repository #marine #benthic #habitat #hydrospatial #bathtmetry #data #community #research #university #science #onlinemapping #webmap #dataportal #seafloor #marinescience #oceanography #spatialanalysis #gischat
#gis #spatial #mapping #Australia #seamap #opendata #crowdsourcing #repository #marine #benthic #habitat #hydrospatial #bathtmetry #data #community #research #University #science #onlinemapping #webmap #dataportal #seafloor #marinescience #oceanography #spatialanalysis #gischat
If The Ancient Romans Had Google Maps - Omnesviae Is A Modern Route Planner Based On The Roads Of The Roman Empire
https://bigthink.com/strange-maps/omnesviae-roman-roads-map/ <-- shared article
https://www.omnesviae.org/ <-- OmnesViae - Roman RoutePlanner
[combining professional and personal interests]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #gischat #network #webmap #romanempire #ancientrome #ancienthistory #transportation #infrastructure #roads #commerce #military #OmnesViae #routing #publicroads #TabulaPeutingeriana #history #ancientmaps #historicmaps #itinerarium #peutingermap #onlinemapping #onlinemap
#gis #spatial #mapping #gischat #network #webmap #romanempire #ancientrome #ancienthistory #transportation #infrastructure #roads #commerce #military #omnesviae #routing #publicroads #tabulapeutingeriana #history #ancientmaps #historicmaps #itinerarium #peutingermap #onlinemapping #onlinemap
Indigenous Sites In Melbourne - Interactive Map Reveals What The City Was Like Before Colonisation
https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/revealing-naarm-interactive-map-reveals-hidden-indigenous-histories-of-major-sites-20230411-p5czny.html <-- shared article
https://aboriginal-map.melbourne.vic.gov.au/95 <-- shared web map
#GIS #spatial #mapping #painting #melbourne #people #Australia #onlinemapping #Aboriginal #culture #history #sites #colonisation #indigenous #indigenouspeoples #firstnations #spatialdata #heritage #ceremonial
#gis #spatial #mapping #painting #melbourne #people #Australia #onlinemapping #aboriginal #culture #history #sites #colonisation #indigenous #indigenouspeoples #firstnations #spatialdata #heritage #ceremonial
Robinson Projection In Tableau – Do Mo(O)Re With Data
https://domoorewithdata.com/2022/08/15/robinson-projection-in-tableau/ <-- shared tutorial
H/T Brian Moore @BMooreWasTaken
“[Their] post walks through three different techniques for creating Robinson Projections in Tableau including; using Shapefiles to map countries, using a CSV file to map countries, and using a CSV file to map cities..”
#GIS #spatial #mapping #tutorial #onlinelearning #learning #projection #robinson #RobinsonProjection #tableau #online #onlinemapping
#gis #spatial #mapping #tutorial #onlinelearning #learning #projection #Robinson #robinsonprojection #tableau #online #onlinemapping