Such an honour to speak on this fascinating EU Parliament panel with @FHortalForonda, Peter Kreysler, @emmalbriant and @IrisBoyer88 on Monday about #transparency and targeting of political ads! #OnlinePoliticalAds #disinformation #propaganda and #elections - it’s just so wonderful to have the opportunity to share my research, analysis and ideas for stronger policy reform. Thanks so much @alexandrageese for inviting me and with Anna Donath Co-organizing such a vital event. @potemkinvillage
#elections #propaganda #disinformation #onlinepoliticalads #transparency
Well hello Europe! #BanSurveillanceAdvertising !!! #onlinepoliticalads #surveillance #policy #digital #EU #Disinformation Check out this post if you are interested in the event I’ve been speaking at! #propaganda @potemkinvillage
#propaganda #disinformation #eu #digital #policy #surveillance #onlinepoliticalads #BanSurveillanceAdvertising
TODAY!! Very excited about speaking on this fascinating EU Parliament panel with @FHortalForonda, Peter Kreysler and @IrisBoyer88 for a debate on #surveillance #advertising, #transparency and targeting of #OnlinePoliticalAds #disinformation and #propaganda in #elections Grateful to MEPs @alexandrageese and Anna Donath for organizing this vital discussion. @potemkinvillage
#elections #propaganda #disinformation #onlinepoliticalads #transparency #advertising #surveillance
Very excited about speaking on this EU Parliament panel with, Peter Kreysler and on Monday on #transparency and targeting of #OnlinePoliticalAds #disinformation #propaganda in #elections Thanks to MEPs and for organizing.
#transparency #onlinepoliticalads #disinformation #propaganda #elections
Very excited about speaking on this fascinating EU Parliament panel with @FHortalForonda, Peter Kreysler, @emmalbriant and @IrisBoyer88 on Monday for a debate on #transparency and targeting of political ads! #OnlinePoliticalAds #disinformation #propaganda and #elections
Grateful to MEPs @alexandrageese and Anna Donath for organizing this vital discussion. @potemkinvillage
#transparency #elections #propaganda #disinformation #onlinepoliticalads
Very excited about speaking on this fascinating EU Parliament panel with @FHortalForonda, Peter Kreysler, @emmalbriant and @IrisBoyer88 on Monday for a debate on transparency and targeting of political ads! #OnlinePoliticalAds thanks to European partnership for democracy (see for more info) @potemkinvillage #surveillancecapitalism
#surveillancecapitalism #onlinepoliticalads