It's that time of the year again! ⏰
No, not carnival (although that's a big deal here in Cologne, Germany). 😜
It's time to show us your dissertation, bachelor or master thesis in the field of #onlineresearch! 🎓 Consider applying for our #GOR Thesis Award to get a free ticket to the #GOR23 conference in September and maybe even win 500 € prize money! 💸
#Microsoft wants to teach students how to spot #misinformation and otherwise think critically. The company is introducing a #SearchProgress feature in #MicrosoftTeams for Education that helps #teachers foster healthy #OnlineResearch habits through practice work. Educators can not only require a certain number of sources for an assignment, they'll know if pupils are only clicking the first site in the results.
#microsoft #misinformation #searchprogress #microsoftteams #teachers #onlineresearch
Anyone know of any papers which discuss methods of sampling social media users in online research? #onlineresearch #onlinesampling
#onlineresearch #onlinesampling
Hi everyone!
We are the #German Association for #OnlineResearch, a modern, innovative association that's been looking after the interests of stakeholders in the context of online research.
We see us as a bridge between different disciplines that use online research methods:
Looking forward to participate here!
#german #onlineresearch #sociology #psychology #politicalscience #economics #marketresearch #opinionresearch #datascience #introduction #helloworld
Hi everyone!
We are the #German Society for #OnlineResearch, a modern, innovative association that's been looking after the interests of stakeholders in the context of online research.
We see us as a bridge between different disciplines that use online research methods:
Looking forward to participate here!
#german #onlineresearch #sociology #psychology #politicalscience #economics #marketresearch #opinionresearch #datascience #introduction #helloworld