ChatMind: an online mindmap tool from questions to the AI 👇
yeah.. as if there wasn't much hype yet.. 🤓
#mindmaps #onlinetools #ai #chatmind #chatbot
One of my recent image tools is the image binarizator. It is simple to use.
#free #online #software #app #image #onlinetools
Need some data from any image, any plots? A useful website (HTML5 based)
And for videos, there is (Java) #onlinetools
There's an AI for that: a page with a compilation of multiple cases to "play" with the generation of distinct types of content through AI 👇🏼 💡
#software #onlinetools #ai #content #experiments
Taskade: la aplicación de gestión de tareas y colaboración en línea
Taskade es una aplicación de organización y gestión de tareas en línea. Con Taskade, puedes crear y compartir listas de tareas, notas y diagramas de flujo con tus amigos, colegas y familiares.
#Taskade #TaskManagement #Collaboration #OnlineTools #Productivity #ProjectManagement
#taskade #taskmanagement #collaboration #onlinetools #productivity #projectmanagement
Slowly but surely building out my #OnlineTools page on my website!
Please feel free to recommend more to me
#FOSS #FLOSS #OpenSource #Neocities #StaticWebsites #OnlineResources
#onlinetools #foss #floss #opensource #neocities #staticwebsites #onlineresources
Okay WOW, the website is an image background removal tool that is FAR better than me with #Photoshop or #Photopea.
It's perfect for making color images found online into #stickers cut on a #silhouette cameo: bypass merging a JPG & having to use the trace panel. Instead, have ppl use to create a PNG to merge into the software so you can go straight to the offset panel.
#MakerSpaces #OnlineTools #PhotoEditing #ImageEditing #Making
#photoshop #photopea #stickers #silhouette #makerspaces #onlinetools #photoediting #imageediting #making
A list of 51 Online Text to Diagram tools, as:
- markdown to ascii
- ascii to all
- ascii drawing
- PlantUML
- Timelines
- Graphs
- E-R diagrams
- Sequences
- flowcharts, mindmaps
#text #onlinetools #diagrams #software #texttodiagram
Schaut in die Sammlung von Tools für Lehre und Studium, sortiert nach Kategorien; kann ich wärmstens zum Stöbern empfehlen!
Gibt einen guten Überblick zu jedem Tool inkl. Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Hinweisen zur Nutzung.
#eLearning #OnlineTools #Apps #FediCampus #OnlineLehre #EdTech
#edtech #onlinelehre #FediCampus #Apps #onlinetools #eLearning
JsonHero: a good & free opensource online tool to examine Big JSON files and make collaborative work, besides of:
- powefull data previews (images, dates, colors, urls, videos)
- quickly search in the whole json file
- column view and tree view
- Collaborative
- VS code plugin
👇🏼 ⤵️
#json #onlinetools #nosql #nosqldata
Na temat RSS:
* czym jest RSS:
* jakie są zalety RSS w porównaniu z mediami społecznościowymi:
#onlinetools #rss #tips #wskazówki
#Zotero #Hypothesis #APIs #OnlineTools extract hypothesis annotations as child-notes for each item of your Zotero library having a URL
#zotero #hypothesis #apis #onlinetools
Best Free Online Markdown editors
#markdown #editors #onlinetools #foss