¡Te tenemos una sorpresa! Queremos darte la oportunidad de participar en nuestro Urban Yoga Retreat para profesionales de la lengua desde tu casa. Conéctate al enlace de Zoom a las 10:00 a. m., mañana, 21 de mayo. 🇵🇷🐙🧘 tinyurl.com/traduyoga #urbanyogaretreat #solidaridad #bienestarysalud #traductores #cooperativa #onlineyoga #enespañol
#urbanyogaretreat #solidaridad #bienestarysalud #traductores #cooperativa #onlineyoga #enespanol
With 2023 starting, how about setting Intentions rather than resolutions? ✨ This gentle 30-minute #yoga flow is the first in a series of four classes spread over four weeks to start the #NewYear or a new chapter in your life in the best way possible.
#mindfulness #workout #fitness #onlineyoga #yogapractice #dailypractice #mentalhealth
#mentalhealth #dailypractice #yogapractice #onlineyoga #fitness #workout #mindfulness #NewYear #yoga
Are you ready for 2023?
This is where I wish I were right now! I love the beach.
Alas, I am on the east coast of the USA during a record-breaking cold snap.
As 2022 draws to a close, I'm putting together my teaching schedule for 2023. Please take 5 minutes to complete the short interests & availability survey - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe0IpQnffSwjkQ6wWTRWeDmUyj7BDQDWlkoHFyDnruj8dJ0cA/viewform?usp=sf_link - to make sure a class is available at a time you want.
#yoga #yogaclass #yogateacher #yogastudent #onlineyoga #mindbodysoul #mindfulness #fitness
#yoga #yogaclass #yogateacher #yogastudent #onlineyoga #mindbodysoul #mindfulness #fitness