Favourite fandom types: currently into #ThaiBL like #BeMyFavorite #OnlyFriends #MySchoolPresident but I'll always be #RPF trash - I'm into many #gmmtv ships and also #MileApo and ALSO just got back into #hockeyRPF so
Shipping, gen, other: often shippy, frequently multi-shipping and moresome-shipping
Do you create fanworks: yes, mostly fic, sometimes podfic, and rarely other transformative works
Comfortable with NSFW: very, the kinkier and smuttier the better lol
#fandomfriendingmeme #thaibl #bemyfavorite #onlyfriends #myschoolpresident #RPF #gmmtv #mileapo #hockeyrpf
#OnlyFriends once again having me 1) gnawing my arm off about Mew's whole deal 2) delighted by Nick's derangement, 3) bloodied by First and Khaotung smiling at each other while waiting for RaySand to go down in flames (tbf I think all the ships are gonna burn, but which one will burn the brightest and what will each one salvage from the wreckage, is the question). Also, shout out to Sand and Nick being unquestionably the cutest pair this ep lol
Every ep of #OnlyFriends has my brain gnawing on a different ship, and this ep it's BostonNick! Their potential deranged douchebag4creep vibes! Thing is, I think Boston's always been honest with Nick about what he wants, and Boston of all people won't be skeeved out by what Nick's done, so I would love if that's their thing going forward, you know? Like, deranged toxic I'm the only one who sees all of you, and knows what a shit you are, but you're mine anyway
#OnlyFriends omg I wanna dissect Mew and I'm shocked that this is the boi who has gotten me in this way first. Just trying to fit all the pieces of his character together like:
1. Somehow has NOT found a Special Enough boy for his first time before Top came around
2. Despite being confident enough to play the flirty this-far-no-further game with the cookie
Trying out a new Thai series - Only Friends - debuting now on Youtube. The trailer gave original series Queer as Folk vibes...
#onlyfriends #onlyfriendstheseries
the #onlyfriends trailer completely destroyed me. when this show actually airs, it'll probably turn me into a feral beast every single week. this truly looks like it could be the next kinnporsche
I made a little something 🤭 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRsjxWHC/ #boyslove #BL #OnlyFriends #ForceBook #NeoMark #FirstKhao
#firstkhao #neomark #forcebook #onlyfriends #bl #boyslove
Je bent goed zoals je bent. #motto #onlyfriends #rolstoelhockey
#rolstoelhockey #onlyfriends #motto
Heerlijk met dochter #mayim bij #rolstoelhockey bij #onlyfriends in #amsterdam
#amsterdam #onlyfriends #rolstoelhockey #mayim
Aus Brahms #Tierleben Kapitel 7 Sure 11
Folgt mir für weitere informative Fakten aus dem #Tierreich auf #onlyfriends
#onlyfriends #tierreich #Tierleben
Weer lekker rolstoelhockey bij #onlyfriends in Amsterdam met dochterlief. Zo gaaf voor grote groep. Elke zaterdag bij een fantastische sportcentrum #dagvandehandicap #driedecember
#driedecember #dagvandehandicap #onlyfriends
Straks weer met mijn dochter naar #rolstoelhockey bij #onlyfriends. Ze heeft er zin in. #winner
#winner #onlyfriends #rolstoelhockey
Nu met dochter fijn hockeyen bij #onlyfriends in Amsterdam Noord. #Keepster
@JirkaBaran Ne, #onlyfriends 😄
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TomasZdechovsky/status/1536071891353579520