Chicken :cqlgusu: · @lookitmychicken
427 followers · 3079 posts · Server

The Look You Give
✍️ fic by

🎼 /
🎼 8k, Explicit, canon divergent
🎼 After they fight the waterborne abyss, they spend another night in Caiyi
🎼 LWJ & WWX share a room again, but this time there is
🎼 LWJ knows his body will betray him if they sleep next to each other
🎼 Dreamy fantasy turns into intense dreamy wonderful reality


#alightbuthappypen #theuntamed #lanwangji #weiwuxian #onlyonebed #FicRec #ficrecfebruary #mdzs #wangxian #nsfw

Last updated 2 years ago

Chicken :cqlgusu: · @lookitmychicken
354 followers · 2324 posts · Server

The answer has always been yes
✍️ fic by

❄️ /
❄️ 6k, Explicit
❄️ WY needs a place to stay
❄️ He stays in LZ's dorm room
❄️ Bed-sharing, pining, realisations, explorations
❄️ then boyfriends


#magnolia822 #theuntamed #modaozushi #lanwangji #weiwuxian #decrecs #FicRec #mdzsficrec #mdzs #wangxianficrec #wangxian #nsfw #ModernAU #onlyonebed #collegeau #friendstolovers #pining

Last updated 2 years ago

Three Days and a Morning
✍️ fic by

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🛏️ 14k, Explicit
🛏️ After WWX gets stabbed at Koi Tower
🛏️ Grown-up LWJ can sort out his own issues
🛏️ He knows what he wants, and is in no rush


#snickersnacker #theuntamed #modaozushi #lanwangji #weiwuxian #decrecs #FicRec #mdzsficrec #mdzs #wangxianficrec #wangxian #nsfw #missingscene #firsttime #hurtcomfort #onlyonebed

Last updated 2 years ago

You, Asleep and Dreaming
✍️ fic by

💤 /
💤 10k, Mature
💤 WWX returns to Cloud Recesses after a year of travelling
💤 He shares LWJ's home
💤 WWX is a fool
💤 LWJ adores him


#etymologyplayground #modaozushi #theuntamed #lanwangji #weiwuxian #decrecs #FicRec #mdzsficrec #mdzs #wangxianficrec #wangxian #postcanon #onlyonebed

Last updated 2 years ago

15. What's your favourite trope?

Arguing about who's going to sleep on the couch/floor, then gingerly getting into the same bed and carefully avoiding touching each other. Then waking up wound around each other, alarmed by inconvenient morning wood & trying to hide it. But the sleeping person has their neck nuzzled into the morning-wood person's neck and is being very tempting in the way they shift and moan and maybe they have morning wood too oh dear.


Last updated 2 years ago

Favourite fandom type(s): currently , , ,
Favourite themes and tropes:
Shipping, gen, and/or other?: All are good
Do you create fanworks?: No
Are you comfortable with NSFW?: Sure am
Anything else?: I like posting & s. I'm fond of and sometimes have moments.

Thanks @fangs for starting the :bigblobhajhug:

#cdrama #cent #danmei #anime #onlyonebed #timetravel #fixit #telepathy #hurtcomfort #FicRec #vidrec #RPF #tinhat #clownshoes #bjyxszd #fandomfriendingmeme

Last updated 2 years ago

The fall of the empire
✍️ fic by

💪 /
💪 5k, rated Teen
💪 They meet some ruffians
💪 Jeeves passionately defends his imperilled young master
💪 Bertie is always impressed by Jeeves, but this is another level


#eyebrowofdoom #jeevesandwooster #Jeeves #reginaldjeeves #bertramwooster #decrecs #FicRec #jeevesficrec #joosterficrec #jooster #canoncompliant #onlyonebed

Last updated 2 years ago

Taking Liberties
✍️ fic by

🎹 /
🎹 8k, Mature
🎹 The flat's ceiling collapses on Bertie, who gets concussed
🎹 They stay in temporary quarters while damage is repaired
🎹 Jeeves takes care of the young master


#thehoyden #jeevesandwooster #reginaldjeeves #bertramwooster #decrecs #FicRec #jeevesficrec #joosterficrec #jooster #canoncompliant #onlyonebed

Last updated 2 years ago