Happy anniversary to The Motels’ album, ‘All Four One’. Released this week in 1982. #themotels #marthadavis #allfourone #onlythelonely #taketheL #forevermine #soLA
#themotels #marthadavis #allfourone #onlythelonely #takethel #forevermine #Sola
The difference between #FrankSinatra's #InTheWeeSmallHours and #OnlyTheLonely albums is the difference between Woody Allen and Albert Brooks. They're both deeply sad but one's cute about it. The other digs into the resentment and despair.
#franksinatra #intheweesmallhours #onlythelonely
Did you know trhe song 'Only the Lonely' opens the movie by the same name with actors John Candy, Maureen O'Hara, Anthony Quinn, and Jim Belushi? The song was written by Roy Orbison and Joe Melson in 1960. This was Orbison's first big hit!
#movie #song #OnlyTheLonely #RoyOrbison #JohnCandy #MaureenOHara #AnthonyQuinn #JimBelushi
#JimBelushi #anthonyquinn #maureenohara #johncandy #royorbison #onlythelonely #Song #movie