Nothing better than reports, timesheets, and a wide scale outage of your mdm preventing all your lovely iPads from connecting to WiFi. F&$k Microsoft and their 8 hour checking policy! You slowed down my restoration efforts G!Arrgghh!
#onlythestrongsurvive #notforthefaintofheart
#hardcore #goodstress #pma
#onlythestrongsurvive #notforthefaintofheart #hardcore #goodstress #pma #mondaymorningblues
Nothing better than reports, timesheets, and a wide scale outage of your mdm preventing all your lovely iPads from connecting to WiFi. F&$k Microsoft and their 8 hour checking policy! You slowed down my restoration efforts G!Arrgghh!
#onlythestrongsurvive #notforthefaintofheart
#hardcore #goodstress #pma
#onlythestrongsurvive #notforthefaintofheart #hardcore #goodstress #pma
Gente, voi non avete idea del FREDD0 F0TTUT0 che fa in palestra questa sera! Le scuole sono rimaste chiuse, ovviamente a riscaldamento spento, da prima della vigilia di Natale e hanno riaperto oggi ma, udite udite!, in palestra i termosifoni SONO SPENTI!
Ho le stalattiti di ghiaccio al naso! Adesso faccio (e faccio fare) qualche bell'esercizio e passa tutto. Ci sentiamo dopo la lezione, ciao.
#Tienshu #artimarziali #onlythestrongsurvive
A #BruceSpringsteen cover of 'What Becomes of the Brokenhearted' wasn't something I knew I needed but is now something I can't live without.
#brucespringsteen #onlythestrongsurvive
Aloitamme viikonlopun kuntopiirillä, joogalla ja Brucella ^^
#brucespringsteen #onlythestrongsurvive
A bit of The Boss on vinyl, sounding fantastic! #brucespringteen #theboss #onlythestrongsurvive #vinyl #vinyladdict
#vinyladdict #vinyl #onlythestrongsurvive #TheBoss #brucespringteen
I’m quite enjoying #OnlytheStrongSurvive the new #BruceSpringsteen album. #TheBoss
#TheBoss #brucespringsteen #onlythestrongsurvive
#brucespringsteen obviously is doing his round promoting his #album #onlythestrongsurvive. while i don't really have any expectations, this session of conversation and performances on #thehowardsternshow was rather #captivating. and #personal. watch:
#personal #captivating #thehowardsternshow #onlythestrongsurvive #album #brucespringsteen
♫ #newmusicfriday! #onlythestrongsurvive the brand #newalbum from #brucespringsteen covering a selection of #motown #rnb #soul #classics. growing on me now after a few listens… (also his first #album in #spatialaudio #dolbyatmos.) #rock
#rock #DolbyAtmos #SpatialAudio #album #classics #soul #rnb #motown #brucespringsteen #newalbum #onlythestrongsurvive #newmusicfriday
Today I'm thinking of these Springsteen lyrics " we learned more from a three minute record, baby, than we ever learned in school. #OnlyTheStrongSurvive Sublime. #springsteen
#onlythestrongsurvive #springsteen
Nieuwste album van #BruceSpringsteen is weer top. Het heet #OnlyTheStrongSurvive het is een cover album met #RnB en #Soul #Covers. Zijn 21e studio album en 2e cover album. #TheBoss blijft machtig zelfs op zijn 73e, zijn #Biografie is trouwens ook een aanrader!
#brucespringsteen #onlythestrongsurvive #rnb #soul #Covers #TheBoss #biografie
Looking forward to listening to #OnlyTheStrongSurvive by #BruceSpringsteen. No doubt #Springsteen has soul, but can he honor the originals and also make them his own? He pulled it off with The Seeger Sessions, so we'll see.
#Springsteen #brucespringsteen #onlythestrongsurvive
Opvallend: veel fades op de nieuwe #springsteen plaat #OnlyTheStrongSurvive
#springsteen #onlythestrongsurvive
I’ve got a listening date… #OnlyTheStrongSurvive #springsteen
#onlythestrongsurvive #springsteen
Què millor que una portada de #BruceSpringsteen per estrenar-me en aquesta simpàtica (esperem) xarxa social? Hem escoltat el nou disc i el repassem cançó a cançó. #onlythestrongsurvive
#brucespringsteen #onlythestrongsurvive