Not for sale, they were merely studies of self portraying, as I used my old Pentax camera to take the pictures that I used in these screen prints. One of the 3 pictures was taken while I was hanging down from 7 feet on a bar I installed to do pull-ups.
#art #artist #selfportrait #screenprinting #screenprint #pictures #images #photography #memyselfandi #delasoul #studies #artstudies #print #onlytwomade #notforsale #groningen #colors #kunst #kleur #multiplefaces #myself #myselves #me #I
#art #artist #selfportrait #screenprinting #screenprint #pictures #images #photography #memyselfandi #delasoul #studies #artstudies #print #onlytwomade #notforsale #groningen #colors #kunst #kleur #multiplefaces #myself #myselves #me #i