Explore the origins of anarchism and the rise of anti-Trans legislation in the US on Episode 3 of A Radical Podcast.
#Anarchism #LGBTQRights #AntiTransBills #FloridaLegislation #RadicalPodcast #History #SocialJustice #PoliticalMovements #QueerCommunity #Haudenosaunee #Mohawk, #Oneida, #Onondaga, #Cayuga, #Seneca, #tuscarora #aradicalguide
#anarchism #lgbtqrights #Antitransbills #floridalegislation #radicalpodcast #history #socialjustice #politicalmovements #queercommunity #Haudenosaunee #mohawk #oneida #onondaga #cayuga #seneca #Tuscarora #aradicalguide
If you haven't already read Braiding Sweetgrass, by Robin Wall Kimmerer, today is a good day to request it from the library or buy your own copy. Read the Words that Come Before All Else. Or read it on this site https://danceforallpeople.com/haudenosaunee-thanksgiving-address/, where the slide by slide set-up gives us the chance to pause and reflect, one thought at a time. These words are meant to be shared and a number of versions are out there. #EarthDay #EarthDayEveryDay #Onondaga #Haudenosaunee #GiveThanks #MotherEarth
#EarthDay #earthdayeveryday #onondaga #Haudenosaunee #GiveThanks #motherearth
Happy Thanksgiving, US folks.
Don't forget to acknowledge the land you're standing on, and the people here before we came stomping in.
This is a day of thanks an reflection, and I will keep the #Onondaga nation and the #Haudenosaunee alliance in mind today, whose ancestral lands are where I call home.