@isAutonomous Wenn ich effektiv #Selbstzensur meiner eigenen Daten Betreiben muss, damit diese nicht als #Waffe missbraucht werden, kann kann ich auch gleich mir nen #NAS #OnPremise in mein #LAN stellen.
Ist billiger, schneller und hat keine inakzeptablen AGBs die selbst Ex-#Stasi neidisch werden lassen!
#stasi #lan #onpremise #nas #waffe #selbstzensur
Why would anyone want to use #TornadoCash on #Ethereum / #ETH, which is written in the systemically unsafe Programming Language that is #Solidity when #Monero :monero: / #XMR exists?
'Cuz #VitalikButerin basically build shittier #Mainframe that combines all the disadvantages of #Centralized #OnPremise & absurdly expensive #Cloud Computing and Storage.
#Cloud #onpremise #centralized #mainframe #vitalikbuterin #xmr #monero #solidity #eth #ethereum #tornadocash
Aus Prinzip deploye ich daher nur #OnPremise - Lösungen ohne #Cloudzwang & #Appzwang!
#appzwang #CloudZwang #onpremise
❓ What do you think about shifting from #onpremise to #cloud solutions? ☁️
1️⃣ How to ensure the #security & #privacy of sensitive data in a cloud environment? 🔒
2️⃣ What about the challenges regarding regulatory #compliance in different regions? 🌍
3️⃣ Is the #cost of migrating & maintaining cloud solutions really less than on-premise systems in the long run? 💰
💬 Keen to hear your thoughts, insights, or experiences! Let's foster a productive discussion. 🔄
#onpremise #cloud #security #Privacy #compliance #cost
@me I mostly install @ubuntu LTS because I need the plannability of #UbuntuLTS.
And before any #Canonical rep wants to sell me anything I want to see a Commitment to #Landscape #OnPremise and #MAAS on-premise...
Because I need to comply with #BDSG, #GDPR, #PCIDSS & #BSI Standards constantly...
#bsi #pcidss #gdpr #bdsg #Maas #onpremise #Landscape #canonical #ubuntults
@nextcloud Also I think it should be respecting and accepting one's #privacy and be an #OptIn solution that is completely #OnPremise / within one's own IT.
After all, this is why I like and use #Nextcloud and @collabora's @CollaboraOffice #CollaboraOffice and all the other parts of my #TechStack:
I want every single component to be accountable to me down to every bit, and only #FLOSS allows me to have independent audits if need be.
#FLOSS #techstack #collaboraoffice #NextCloud #onpremise #optin #Privacy
In 2020 due to #covid19 I searched for good corporate #onpremise chat systems.
I went for #matrix which was a good choice. Most recently I've been using #rocketchat and I must say #matrix is A LOT better.
#rocketchat #matrix #onpremise #COVID19
A bit of #aws #cli here, a bit of #jq there, and lo and behold, a guide for what your new #NFS mounts will be as your #vm moves from #onpremise to the #cloud. Oops, did I “accidentally” #commit the #script next to the #generated #markdown document in the #wiki? #sorrynotsorry
#sorrynotsorry #wiki #markdown #generated #script #commit #cloud #onpremise #vm #nfs #jq #cli #aws
Automate your business by deploying our hotel management software - SysfoResto, with the best practices for your hotel. This will automate all your hotels together on a single integrated platform.
For Free Demo, Contact Us!
#sysfosoft #hotelsoftware #hotelmanagementsoftware #hospitalitymanagement #hospitalityindustry #erpsoftware #onpremise #cloudstorage #securedata #SysfoResto #ourproduct
#sysfosoft #hotelsoftware #hotelmanagementsoftware #hospitalitymanagement #hospitalityindustry #ERPsoftware #onpremise #cloudstorage #securedata #sysforesto #ourproduct
'IDP Intelligent Document Processing Report 2023' – im PROJECT CONSULT Blog haben wir kurz über die neue Studie von Deep Analysis berichtet. In 2023 wird es einen Run auf AI-Unternehmen geben.
#IDP #ECM #KI #AI #ML #Document #DocumentManagement #DocumentProcessing #IntelligentDocumentProcessing #DeepAnalysis #DMS #Capture #Classification #AutoClassification #Cloud #OnPremise #report
#idp #ecm #ki #ai #ml #document #documentmanagement #documentprocessing #intelligentdocumentprocessing #deepanalysis #dms #capture #classification #autoclassification #cloud #onpremise #report
This make my eye twitch. One more time people: It's #OnPremises not #OnPremise. If you work in #IT or with #CloudComputing you should know the correct terminology before we end up in a situation like we have where 'literally' no longer literally means literally.
#onpremises #onpremise #it #CloudComputing
Deep Analysis IDP Intelligent Document Processing Report 2023 – im PROJECT CONSULT Blog habenw ir kurz über die neue Studie von Deep Analysis berichtet: https://bit.ly/3I7xFUI
#IDP #ECM #KI #AI #ML #Document #DocumentManagement #DocumentProcessing #IntelligentDocumentProcessing #DeepAnalysis #DMS #Capture #Classification #AutoClassification #Cloud #OnPremise #report
#idp #ecm #ki #ai #ml #document #documentmanagement #documentprocessing #intelligentdocumentprocessing #deepanalysis #dms #capture #classification #autoclassification #cloud #onpremise #report
Anybody out there who uses https://sentry.io/ (SaaS) in Production?
How do you handle data privacy, e.g. IP addresses or user agents?
Do you mention Sentry in your data privacy statement or maybe even put it into a consent management?
How complex is it to host Sentry on premise? What resources should the machine have?
#sentry #saas #onpremise
Was nehme ich denn, um lokal unter enterprise linux s3 Storage anzubieten? #s3 #onpremise #linux #server
I’m looking through options on turning up a new service at work. Reviewing options, barebones and automagical one-clicky… I check a cloud-based option in a 2-year-old article, only to find NAME_NOT_RESOLVED shining back.
See, I WANT to believe that the glorious market of microservices—small pieces, loosely joined—will excuse us all from having a deep understanding of our tech stacks… but it just ain’t the case. You must OWN what you serve. Your stakeholders deserve accountability.
Falls jemand einen guten Grund braucht, seine Daten doch eher zumindest zusätzlich im eigenen Rechnerumfeld zu speichern....
#cloud #microsoft #Willkür #Aussperrung #Datensicherung #onpremise
#onpremise #datensicherung #Aussperrung #willkür #microsoft #cloud
Wenn Ihr nach dem #Probemonat doch noch kein Abo haben möchtet, ist das kein Problem. Einfach vor Ablauf unkompliziert kündigen und fertig!
Fehlt Euch eine wichtige Funktion? Kontaktiert uns gerne für einen maßgeschneiderten #OnPremise Funktionsumfang.
#OnPremise Lösung? Gemeinnütziger #Verein?👇
RT @ViOfficeDE
Das Angebot gilt selbstverständlich auch für unsere #OnPremise Lösungen!
Außerdem läuft aktuell noch immer unsere Unterstützung für #Vereine während des #Lockdown: Ihr braucht eine kostenlose Videokonferenzplattform für die Vereinsarbeit oder Veranstaltungen? Meldet euch! https://twitter.com/ViOfficeDE/status/1334150765674455041
#onpremise #verein #vereine #lockdown