"On Savage Shores is an excellent exploration of Indigenous presence in and contribution to Europe and nascent globalization. Pennock, by recognizing and voicing a space for Indigenous Peoples in Europe, she has told a story that needs to form a part of every history class from grade school to university. I highly recommend On Savage Shores for an original and important recasting of sixteenth-century Europe. It is really a decolonizing and un-whitening approach to the past."
#IndigenousHistory #EuropeanHistory #OnSavageShores #review #globalization #EarlyModern #histodons
#indigenoushistory #europeanhistory #onsavageshores #review #globalization #earlymodern #histodons
"On Savage Shores is an excellent exploration of Indigenous presence in and contribution to Europe and nascent globalization. Pennock, by recognizing and voicing a space for Indigenous Peoples in Europe, she has told a story that needs to form a part of every history class from grade school to university. I highly recommend On Savage Shores for an original and important recasting of sixteenth-century Europe. It is really a decolonizing and un-whitening approach to the past."
#indigenoushistory #europeanhistory #onsavageshores #review
I just finished @carolinepennock 's excellent book "On Savage Shores." Ever since Bill Bryson hepped me to the reality that Squanto was able to communicate with the Pilgrims because he *already spoke English* I've been fascinated by the Native Americans who existed in both worlds in a literal sense. This is an incredibly detailed but highly readable work that helps tell some lost stories.
https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-indigenous-americans-who-visited-europe-180981496/ #history #AmericanHistory #Colonization #histodons #OnSavageShores
#history #americanhistory #colonization #histodons #onsavageshores
Aaaahhhhhh. Ibram X. Kendi shared my work. OMGGGG.
"The #Indigenous Americans Who Visited Europe" - A great @SmithsonianMag@twitter.com review and interview by @kawulf@twitter.com with @carolinepennock@twitter.com on her as great new book "#OnSavageShores":
Hey #histodons and #book people! I'm doing a free online event about #OnSavageShores: How #Indigenous Americans Discovered Europe with the excellent Andrew Lipman for lovely indie Brookline Booksmith this Sunday at 2pm EST/7pm GMT. Please do share and come talk to me! #books #history
#histodons #book #onsavageshores #indigenous #books #history
I was hugely relieved and warmed to see @sixteenthCgirl’s review in the FT last night. https://on.ft.com/3HaZD0e To have the support of a scholar whose work I respect means a lot, especially given the response in certain quarters… #OnSavageShores https://geni.us/OnSavageShores #Indigenous #history #histodons
#onsavageshores #indigenous #history #histodons
So thrilled that #OnSavageShores is on the @BookRiot podcast (at c.29 mins), mostly because they appreciated my snarky footnotes!This made me so happy 😀 I very much share their desire, incidentally, to see changes in publishing that will see more of these stories told by Indigenous people, and more book contracts going to BIPoC authors. #bookstodon
Thank you so much @kawulf for this fascinating Smithsonian Magazine write-up of our discussion about #OnSavageShores. I'm particularly delighted that she acknowledges so many of my colleagues, including Coll Thrush, Nancy van Deusen, Andrés Reséndez & even @sixteenthCgirl, as it was incredibly important to me to be clear about how my work builds on and intersects with that of others. #histodons
Thank you so much @kawulf for this fascinating Smithsonian Magazine write-up of our discussion about #OnSavageShores. I'm particularly delighted that she acknowledges so many of my colleagues, including Coll Thrush, Nancy van Deusen, Andrés Reséndez & even @sixteenthCgirl, as it was incredibly important to me to be clear about how my work builds on and intersects with that of others.
Thank you so much @kawulf for this fascinating Smithsonian Magazine write-up of our discussion about #OnSavageShores. I'm particularly delighted that she acknowledges so many of my colleagues, including Coll Thrush, Nancy van Deusen, Andrés Reséndez & even @sixteenthCgirl, as it was incredibly important to me to be clear about how my work builds on and intersects with that of others. https://smithsonianmag.com/history/the-indigenous-americans-who-visited-europe-180981496/
So I just had to write a reply to a Native person who had emailed me after reading the Spectator review of #OnSavageShores and was upset that I had said there was ‘no evidence’ for Indigenous histories. How’s your day going? #mastodons
On US #PublicationDay for #OnSavageShores, I'm delighted to say that the publisher has agreed to give a copy for free to any tribal library or similar #Indigenous community organisation that would like one, so please do share and let me know! #histodons
#publicationday #onsavageshores #indigenous #histodons
With #OnSavageShores out in the US with @AAKnopf @penguinrandom today, I wanted to mention that I'm doing a free online event with the excellent Andrew Lipman for lovely indie @booksmithtweets this Sunday at 2pm EST / 7pm GMT. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/caroline-dodds-pennock-with-andrew-lipman-on-savage-shores-tickets-477496554047 Do come & talk to me!
I'm sure most people know this already, but #OnSavageShores: How Indigenous Americans Discovered Europe is published TODAY in the US!
https://penguinrandomhouse.com/books/646154/on-savage-shores-by-caroline-dodds-pennock/ I am so thrilled to finally share these important histories with everyone. #books
Today is publication day for #OnSavageShores in the US and I am SO EXCITED! https://geni.us/OnSavageShores But it’s not technically the 24th there yet, so I have to hold my horses a bit longer. But it seems to have sneaked out - look!
RT @carolinepennock@twitter.com
#OnSavageShores comes out tomorrow in the US, so I wanted to share one of the histories that didn't make it into the final book: https://geni.us/OnSavageShores In 1534, 2 men from Stadacona (nr Quebec City), Taignoagny & Domagay, were kidnapped & carried to France by Jacques Cartier. 1/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/carolinepennock/status/1617500561607114753
RT @carolinepennock@twitter.com
So… this is awkward to ask, but if you DO read #OnSavageShores & you like it, I’d be hugely grateful if you could write an Amazon review. It seems that some people have decided that I am “woke nonsense” and decided to try and sink the book without (I suspect) even reading it.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/carolinepennock/status/1616142858053894147
RT @carolinepennock@twitter.com
So… this is awkward to ask, but if you DO read #OnSavageShores & you like it, I’d be hugely grateful if you could write an Amazon review. It seems that some people have decided that I am “woke nonsense” and decided to try and sink the book without (I suspect) even reading it.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/carolinepennock/status/1616142858053894147
OH MY GOODNESS. Today is PUBLICATION DAY for #OnSavageShores! (Over here; US have to wait a little longer.) There will be proper (but likely still excitable) content later, but I have to do the school run. So just to say it’s OUT NOW!