Work has me feeling pretty down lately. 😔
Starting today, I'm going to start browsing positions & get a good idea of what's out there and what exactly I'm looking for.
One of the big points for me will be flexibility with working location -- I'm hoping to escape this city I'm so rapidly falling out of love with.
#toronto #onterrible #jobs #fedijobs #getfedihired
Please sign! Stop Ontario Government from allowing captive wildlife to be used as bait to train dogs
#onpoli #onterrible #animalrights
Deadline for comments on the ERO is TODAY (May 18)!:
#animalrights #onterrible #onpoli
Ontario people: Please plan to attend the coalition rally to "Welcome back Doug" to Queens Park on Sat. February 25th!
#onpoli #HandsOffTheGreenbelt #Greenbelt #onterrible #onhealth #climate
Please pass information about it along to any groups you might belong to. There's an official website here:Â
#climate #onhealth #onterrible #greenbelt #handsoffthegreenbelt #onpoli
Why is Doug Ford stripping Conservation Authorities of their power to protect floodplains and the environment? Because he can, and he doesn't care about consequences! #OnPoli #OnTerrible #DougFord #climatecrisis #Greenbelt
From @TheNarwhal: While you were on holiday, Ontario stripped conservation authority powers:
#greenbelt #climatecrisis #dougford #onterrible #onpoli
Working in Ontario be like:
#onterrible #onpoli #ontario #fordnation #Canada #housingcrisis #wagesuppression #inflation #therentistoodamnhigh
#onterrible #onpoli #ontario #fordnation #canada #housingcrisis #wageSuppression #inflation #therentistoodamnhigh