A reminder: #turnon #tunein #playloud! #punknjunk is #ontheair #tonight #wqfs 90.9 #fm … #watercolor by me, of me, rhis #morning
#morning #WaterColor #fm #wqfs #tonight #ontheair #punknjunk #playloud #tunein #turnon
Just started watching #OntheAir by #MarkFrost and #DavidLynch. It was ahead of it's time.
#ontheair #markfrost #davidlynch
Agenda for the year as #hamradio #club #president:
- Clarify who does what for the club
- Bring club into #compliance with #regulations for our type of #organization
- Improve #communication between board and members
- Explore low-risk in-person #indoor club #meetings and events
- Get members #operating and interacting #ontheair
Agenda for the year as an individual operator:
- #cleaning the #hamshack desk so I can operate from home again
- operate regularly from home again (how novel!)
#hamshack #cleaning #ontheair #operating #meetings #indoor #communication #organization #regulations #compliance #president #club #hamradio
Agenda for the year as #hamradio #club #president:
- Clarify who does what for the club
- Bring club into #compliance with #regulations for our type of #organization
- Improve #communication between board to members
- Explore low-risk in-person #indoor club #meetings and events
- Get members #operating and interacting #ontheair
Agenda for the year as an individual operator:
- #cleaning the #hamshack desk so I can operate from home again
- operate regularly from home again (how novel!)
#hamshack #cleaning #ontheair #operating #meetings #indoor #communication #organization #regulations #compliance #president #club #hamradio
OK, the big question in the #hamradio community within the US:
Do I renew my ARRL membership?
Yes, #ARRL is kind of a hot mess with dubious governance and lukewarm, ineffectual advocacy. Its primary value to me personally is access to archives of #QST and gear reviews.
On the plus side, I have been encouraged by initiatives toward supporting clubs and #OnTheAir, which is much more accessible and friendly to newer operators than QST.
Bonus: what other radio org should I also support?
#hamradio #arrl #qst #ontheair
getting ready to mirror Debian 11.5 but while I'm waiting for the downloads, I'm #OnTheAir lol
As long as the storms stay at bay, today should be a lovely day #OnTheAir 🙂
spending a little bit of time #OnTheAir this morning until I have errands and events to head out to!
It is nice and chilly out (for now) lol
had a nice day today! now spending some time relaxing #OnTheAir and catching some CQs 🙂