For previous NZ general elections, varies teams created tools that quiz people on their political views, and then show them which party's policy platform is the closest match. OnTheFence was one example:
I wonder if anyone is working on that for the 2023 election?
#aotearoa #nz #elections #onthefence
Happy New Year to all my #MastoPeeps! :catjam: :lgbt_io: :blobcatcoffee:
This curious gray also wishes you a Happy New Year, just FAR from the tree next to its café.
To celebrate, here's a delightful list of tips from a fav blogger. She shows how to check off many '23 goals at once via a big-picture purpose we can all achieve in our own way.
#GoTeam #WithOurPowersCombined #HappyNewSquirrel #NappyFurYear #SeriousAnimals #OnTheFence #HeresLookingAtYouKid #Sustainability
#mastopeeps #goteam #withourpowerscombined #happynewsquirrel #nappyfuryear #seriousanimals #onthefence #hereslookingatyoukid #sustainability